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Monday, September 17, 2012

Higashino Keigo Mysteries: episode 7 synopsis and review

 Bit of a better episode this time and not just because it starred Erika though of course that helped a bit, little bit more suspense this time but just like the last few episodes a bit light on the mystery but still ended up being a good story, actually might have been better if it was longer such as a TV movie.

 Erika's character's name was Yukiko Nakamachi who was a sweet and hard working 26 year old working at a small firm, not much was known about her at first but we learn that description of her is way off base. All was quiet at the firm until one morning one of the employees was found dead outside the office, he had fallen from the third floor and landed on his head, of course the questions were did he jump, was he pushed or was it just an accident? The police were following up on a few leads and thought that Yukiko's brother had did it but turned out to be a dead end but shortly after that yet another employee of the firm was killed, this time someone had pushed him in front of a train but Yukiko's brother was once again cleared but soon all eyes soon focused on her, was she really such a sweet and innocent young lady?

 Through much investigating the two detectives on the case soon became to dig up a bit about Yukiko's past, though quite a bit sad did it give her any motives to kill her co-workers? Seems that Yukiko was once married and was pregnant but soon after that happened her husband had passed away and to make it a nightmare for her shortly after that she lost her baby, no one noticed it at the time but revenge was soon on her mind as she set out to kill some of the employees at her office. Why you ask, well it appears as though Yukiko got it into her mind that the reason she lost her baby was because of the second hand smoke she was around all day, most of her co-workers smoked and smoked very heavily around her, she was determined to get revenge for the loss of her child, the two that were killed were the heaviest smokers and now she continued on her revenge spree. Yukiko came oh so close to killing another 'smoker' but he was saved at the last minute by the police, after that she tried to kill one of the detectives by spiking his tea but he escaped from that by only pretending to drink it. Thus the story ends there and a bit creepy too as Yukiko seemed to have a split personality as she thought a doll was her real child and ended up speaking as the child in a deep male's voice, with her mind like that she was shipped off to a hospital where the show ends as she's still clutching the doll and still speaking in the male's voice, ended there but would have really liked to have seen it extended a bit as the last 10 minutes really was intense and a bit eerie.

 Started off a bit slow but as mentioned the last 10 or so minutes were really good, lot more suspenseful than the last few shows, really would have made for a good 90 minute movie but couldn't go far enough into detail in just 44 minutes, still it was an episode that was quite good and comes highly recommended. Also starring in this were Santamaria Yosuke and Yuta Hiraoka but this was Erika's show all the way, she can really do such a wide range of characters such as this one, we all thought in the beginning what a sweet, quiet woman she was but by the end she certainly wasn't as she ended up being one deranged psychopath. And of course as with all the episodes from the show check out the next post for many screenshots and of course you know that they all feature Erika.

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