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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Reinoryokusha Odagiri Kyoko no Uso: episode 4 synopsis and review

 Usually like to keep the reviews somewhat brief and simple, not always easy to do but in the case of this drama it's quite simple to do as the plots and story are far from complicated and the cast is really small, only two major characters so far which makes reviewing the show a bit easier than most dramas.
 Bit of a better episode this time as Kyoko and her sidekick Taniguchi investigate a possible poltergeist at a junior high school, it only appears in the girls basketball team's locker room, rumor was that it was the ghost of someone who had been bullied and died in a locker. The girls team is very good as they've won a few championships and are on their way to winning another one but the poltergeist has thrown the team into turmoil, they are very scared of it and what it's been doing and their minds are not on the game as much, could that lead to the end of their basketball dynasty? Of course Kyoko doesn't believe it's the work of a ghost but she actually saw the work of it first hand, mops flying around, CD players just turning on by itself with it not being plugged in and other various things which frightened her to no end even though she didn't believe it was a ghost. Also she had to prove what was really the cause of all these strange events as she was being challenged by a professor who didn't believe she was a real psychic and was going on her show to prove she was a fake.

 As it's been every episode so far Kyoko proves what actually happened, not by her psychic powers as she really is a fake one but by her extraordinary methods of deduction, she proved that the poltergeist was not real but the work of two mothers who had their own separate reasons for causing these strange events. And of course on Kyoko's TV show when given the opportunity to prove that her detractors were wrong about her or guilty of certain actions she always takes the high road, instead of making them look bad she ends up making them look good or have them actually being a victim, she is quite a softie and not sure what her reason is for being like that if there actually is a reason for it.

 Yes, this was better than the last two episodes but still lacking just that something, interesting is one thing that is lacking a bit, shows are enjoyable and have turned funnier but very thin storylines. Also there are two things that haven't been fully worked out yet, Kyoko's brother is in the hospital and we only see him at the end of the show, why is he there and could she actually be doing all these psychic things for him? Also Taniguchi works with S at the police station, her main assignment for him is to get Kyoko to join them working on strange, unsolved cases, not sure at all where this minor storyline is going and whether she will end up joining the force. Oh well, not a rave review by far but still have found myself enjoying this series, nothing earth shattering but so far a solid and funny show, one that has the potential to get better but there's only 5 more episodes to go. And check out the next two posts as there are many screenshots from this episode with Satomi and Yuko.

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