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Friday, February 15, 2013

Tsubasa Honda: Piece drama episode 3 screenshots

 Though at 23 minutes an episode it makes for an easy watch there often isn't enough time for many things to happen, it is fast paced which helps and there hasn't been any filler at all, least up to episode 8 which is where I am now. We do learn much more about Mizuho's and Haruka's relationship in high school and why they stopped being friends, Mizuho had learned that Haruka had secretly been taped by his mother when he was a young child, she was doing it for some psychological experiments and his whole life was documented on film and in notebooks, does not appear to be what one would call a mother. Up to episode 8 we still haven't met her but have a feeling she is going to play a key role in this drama, whether she had anything to do with Origuchi's death is unknown but there are still so many mysteries that need to be solved, main one to me still is how Origuchi died, just don't know why so many eventually join forces to find out about Origuchi's secret past, through episode 8 we've learned a lot about it but none of it seems to have anything to do with her death, you'll find much more info on everything in the following posts.

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