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Friday, April 26, 2013

Emi Takei: Otenki Oneesan episode 2 screenshots and recap

 Due have to give some credit for the people that create the dramas in Japan, while not always the greatest views most have some really interesting and original storylines such as this show where crimes are solved by a young woman using her vast expertise in meteorology.
 This time around Haruko Abe(Emi) solves another murder, she just didn't sit back in a chair to solve it but went out to the scene and there she herself also was briefly stricken sick by some unknown cause at the scene. Her cohorts this time around seemed to help Haruko much more than in episode one, these being detective Aoki and coroner Mikumo, this trio has a bit of chemistry about them which is growing and is also really helping make the show so much better. Murder case this time dealt with a couple going on a hike in the woods when the husband was suddenly taken quite ill, no ambulance was called but the wife took him home with the help of an accomplice. Home is not where they went as they left his body in his car, parked it in a parking garage with some burning carbon monoxide to make it look like a suicide. The police once again bought the alibi of the main suspect except for Aoki who through some hard work discovered that the wife had someone help her commit the crime, however the the real reason for the death of the husband was up in the air. This us where Haruko enters using her vast knowledge of weather to once again come up with the how the husband actually died, once again using science terms that are above me but still turned out to interest me enough, lot of the subs in the show also need to explain many of the weather terms.

 Going to leave the recap at that, hoping that's enough of a lure to watch the show, still has 8 episodes to go but think this storyline is interesting enough to make the whole series one real solid watch, you can also view the screenshots to see more of what happened. This is a late night drama that starts at 11:15 on Friday nights, these dramas lately have been so much better than most of the prime time shows the last few years, also Emi's better dramas have seemed to also been of the late night variety. The ratings have started off real well too, episode one had one of 11+% while the second episode was a bit above 10% which are solid numbers for this time slot, so as mentioned before would really recommend watching this series and I'll also be back with screenshots and recaps for the entire series.

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