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Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Mizuki Fukumura: Her extraordinary 'Happy 27th Birthday' post....


 In the previous post mentioned that three massive faves of mine celebrated a birthday within nine days of each other at the end of October. This is the second post for the trio and will have the third coming up soon but it may take longer than I expected but hopefully this weekend. In a way actually may have to call Mizuki a should have been massive fave of mine, she is not at the supreme level she could have been. May be hard to believe but this is her first post since January 16, 2022(!), she had four in 2021 and the year prior had zero!!!! By the end of 2019 Mizuki had 28 posts and was averaging close to six a year, twice she made my yearly faves list.

 However when you go 22 months without a post you can understand why I may have to refer to her as a potential massive fave. There have been others like her too in the past but in all honesty Mizuki is a woman who should have been in the top five for every kind of list I've done and I do like her more than many others who made my 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list. Don't know what happened after 2019, there was a brief busy spurt on 2021 but these last four years has seen such a decrease in he activities, especially magazine spreads and photobooks. Perhaps Mizuki just grew tired of doing gravure photo shoots and such for she is such a popular Idol and as far as hotness goes I can't think of too many others that top her! 😍

 In exactly four weeks Mizuki will be graduating from Morning Musume, she's been a member since 2011 so a dozen years and that's such a high number for an Idol. There will be two graduation concerts held on the 28th and 29th of this month, my plan is to wait about a week and have a grad post for her. Hopefully can get a copy of the second concert so can talk about it in that post and am also hoping for at least one farewell mag spread and not many Idols in history have topped her gravure pics. I'm not her only fan here as Mizuki is one of the most popular Idols I've ever posted about. Didn't figure out the stats but when you do posts like these for so long you do notice things. I think over the last decade only two Nogi member's posts received more views than her so obviously so many of you viewers out there have missed her too.

 It's impossible to do medium sized posts for certain women so this could be another one that has a hundred or more pics in it. Have a little bit of many things and think that graduation post should be very large too, just hope it's not her final one ever. October 30th was the date of her 27th birthday and of course there was also a special day after that one....

 Mizuki does post many IG pics but she and other MM members post more at the group's Ameba blog, these photos are all recent from the last two weeks and the top ones are for her birthday. 

 To me it's such a mystery why the above duo haven't had more pics together? They've never done a magazine spread with just the two of them and wouldn't a 'Pairs Post' featuring the two been unbeatable? Sure would have and sadly it'll never happen. Morning Musume's 73rd single is titled "Suggoi Fever", the other two tracks are titled "Wake Up Call" and "Neverending Shine". Of courser it's Mizuki's final single and the last track listed is her grad song but will save it for her next post. The single came out on October 25th and sold ~108,000 copies in week one, it was just #2 on the charts. Pics below are the covers and some other promo ones, after them check out the PV for "Suggoi Fever". It is a solid tune but will admit think they've had some better songs from the past five years. They're not my fave group but would place them in about the fifth position on an all time list, really can't recall them ever having a bad single.


 Whew, this is already a long post and we're not at the halfway mark yet! Here's one mini solo mag spread from March 2022 and Weekly Famitsu which I think was her only spread for that year.

 Not a solo spread but here's a brand new one from the November 3rd issue of Young Gangan. Mizuki does share the spread with another MM member and it was her first set of gravure pics since 2021, let's hope she goes out with a bang with some upcoming sweltering spreads.

 On Mizuki's October 30th birthday her eighth photobook was released, no Idol has topped her books over the last decade. There hasn't been any mag spreads to promote it and that's a bit surprising but it could still happen. The title of the book is "Last Scene", the top two pics below are the covers and the others are some promo pics, so many are terrific but I really like the third one.

 Oooops, almost forgot to include this dazzling. Seeing as how there were no new solo spreads let's take a trip down memory lane to January 19, 2021 and this super duper set of pics from Manga Action, Mizuki's second to last gravure pics until the above ones.

 Yesterday Mizuki held an event for the "Last Scene" book at the HMV store in Shibuya. The photo shoots took place in Tokyo and Hawaii, think she's gone there at least five times for a photo shoot and what a shame that this could be her final book.

 After this last set of pics check out a video of the above event, there are quite a few of them on YT. Will end off with some ultra blazing pics of Mizuki and even though she's been way too quiet over the last few years in my eyes only about 4-5 Idols have ever topped her looks, wowowowow!!!!

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