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Monday, July 7, 2014

Kim So-Yeon: Princess Prosecutor drama episode 1 recap and screenshots

Air Date: March 31 to May 20, 2010 on SBS at 9:55 pm

Main Cast:

Kim So-Yeon as Ma Hye-ri, a recent law school graduate who is a rookie prosecutor and the "heroine" of the show.
Park Si-Hoo as Seo In-Woo, attorney, least through the first 2 episodes
Han Jung-Soo as Yun Se-Jun, senior prosecutor and Ma's first boss
Choi Sung-Hyun as Jin Jung-Sun, prosecutor and Ma's 'enemy'
Yu Geon as Lee Min-Suk, prosecutor
Choi Sung-ho as Chae Ji-Won, prosecutor
Park Jung-Ah as Je-Ni, In-Woo's associate
Min Yeong-Won as Lee Yu-Na, Ma's best friend
Kim Sang-Ho as Na Joong-suk, head prosecutor

 New Japanese drama season starts this week so will be looking at a few of them in the coming weeks or more but there haven't been too many older ones that I've skipped and felt like finally watching hence taking a chance with this Korean series. The series is 16 episodes long, doubt if I'll give a review for all of them, perhaps like the first and last 4 shows of the drama. Am also going to try to keep all the recaps very short until the very end when I'll be doing some lengthy recaps of the series, trying something new doing it that way. Also sometimes when you watch a long show and do a lengthy review for all the episodes it can get a bit tiring and because of that I always don't finish posting about the drama.

 Briefly, Ma(Kim So-yeon) has just graduated from the Judicial Research \& Training Institute where she studied to be a prosecutor and to the surprise of all managed to pass and Become a prosecutor. To say she is a bit ditzy would be an understatement, she's more into fashion, dressing up and having a good time, why she picked this career was a mystery which will probably be explained as the show goes on.
 On graduation day instead of attending a mandatory training for new prosecutors Ma lied her way out of going by saying her mother was in the hospital and instead went to a ski resort. Her best friend Lee was supposed to rent them a room at a high class hotel but backed out at the last minute due to her business, Ma knew nothing of this as her pocketbook and cell phone were stolen right upon her arrival. Someone else had rented the room out. a mysterious man named Seo who through 2 episodes we don't know much about but let Ma stay in the room  as long as she paid half the cost which she agreed to.
 Also at the resort were two Seoul prosecutors chasing after a felon who has stolen fashion designs in the past and is thought to be at the ski resort to steal another design at an auction taking place there. The auction was the main reason for Ma's visit to the ski resort as she wanted to buy a pair of high class Grace shoes. She did win the bidding but as her money and credit cards were stolen she had no way to pay for them so they were taken away from her. During this fracas Ma thought she saw the man who had broken into her car and stole all her valuables, she chased after him and managed to tackle him as he was running away. However he wasn't running away but instead it was prosecutor Yun who was chasing after the felon who had eluded them for 3 years, her tackling of him prevented the arrest of the criminal.

 Things eventually get settled and Ma heads back to Seoul to begin her new job as a prosecutor. Things at the job do not run smoothly at the least, Ma has her own fashion style which is more suited for a night club than a prosecutor's office. Plus her way of doing the job is quite a bit different than the others do it or shall I say how probably any prosecutor would do it.
 But here ends the first episode, very little happened at her new job but quite a lot does take place in the office in episode two which is 2 posts below this one. Was trying to keep this review short, not sure if it ended up that way but shorter than my usual ones but at least most of the basics of the show have been revealed here. Anything I missed will probably be in the next post as there's a great many screenshots from this episode to help you follow along a bit better plus Kim just looks so, so terrific.

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