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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Miori Takimoto & Kyoko Fukada: "The Cabin Attendant" TV movie recap and screenshots

 Air Date: July 7th at 9:00 pm on Fuji-TV

Main Cast::

Kyoko Fukada as Miho Saito
Miori Takimoto as Yui Watabe
Kazue Fukiishi as Tomoko Hayami, these 3 are our main characters, all are cabin attendants

Sumire as Megumi Fujisawa
Chiaki Horan as Lisa Anderson
Akira Takarada as Shigetoshi Nakano
Jun Kaname as Seiji Hirota

 Bit of a simple story and plot for this movie but most made for TV movies are that way but in the end run found it to be quite enjoyable. Movie ran for 92 minutes but seemed much shorter as it was never boring nor were there any moments that dragged, think if you're a fan of the main cast you would really enjoy this.
 For most of the movie the story revolves around the three cabin attendants Miho, Yui and Tomoko. Miho is sort of the crew leader but not sure if it's an official title but all the other attendants look to her as a leader. Shortly before a flight to NYC Miho is asked by her supervisor to be in charge of selecting a new wine to be served on the JAL planes, she's supposed to pick one that's American and is given a few extra days in NYC to find the perfect wine. The problem is Miho rarely drinks alcohol and knows next to nothing about wines so she asks her fellow attendant Tomoko to join her on the trip as she's a bit of a wine expert. Rounding out the trio is Yui who is a bit of a rookie attendant but is very spunky and says she knows a bit about wine so the three of these attendants form the main characters for the movie.

 Upon their arrival in  NYC the trio has three days to find the new wine for JAL, they start out by going to a popular wine house in Brooklyn. There they think they've found the perfect wine and it's one that is made by the young owner named Lisa who is an American but can speak perfect Japanese, of course(!). The problem is her winery is a small one located in Hudson Valley and there's no way she could produce enough for the airlines, also she never mentioned it but her winery is suffering a major fiscal crisis and she's being pressured to sell it to a major Japanese company.
 Undeterred our trio heads up to Hudson Valley to check out other wineries and they do find many excellent wines, problem is they've found too many and just can't choose which would be the perfect choice. Unknowingly they visit the winery of Lisa's who also happens to be there, someone else is there too and that happens to be an older Japanese man named Nakano. Lisa thinks he's the man pressuring her to sell the winery to his company but in the end that was the farthest thing from being true but her thinking that way does play a pivotal part in the story. The attendants are treated to some of the wines that she created, they think they've finally found the perfect choice but once again Lisa had to tell them there's no way she could produce enough for them.

 Not sure if Nakano was feeling sorry for them or had an ulterior motive but he invited them back to his hotel suite to try even more wines. And try the wines is what they did to an excess, even Miho who wasn't much of a drinker, the trio managed to polish off at least 5 bottles of wine and then all proceeded to pass out. Upon waking up they were met with a grisly discovery which was that Nakano had died of heart failure during the night! Miho and Yuo had passed out in the living room but Tonoko had gone to his room to continue drinking where she also eventually passed out, she's the one who discovered his death upon waking up in the morning.
 Though not a true suspect Tomoko was nonetheless brought in for questioning by the police, now it was up to Miho and Yui to try to discover the truth behind Nakano's death. At first they suspected Lisa for his death as Nakano had a bottle of wine from her winery which was delivered to his room that night and they suspected her of putting some sort of drug in the bottle. However Miho realized the bottle that Lisa had sent and the bottle that was delivered to the room had different dates on them which cleared her so who was left that would poison the elderly man?

 Throughout their trip Yui had been filming their daily travels and luckily on the camcorder was a picture of the person who had bought the bottle of wine that had been tampered with. The man's name was Hirota who was a doctor they had met  on the trip to NYC, upon arrival though he had convinced everyone that he was heading to Boston for a conference but via the film this was proven false, he had disguised himself buying the wine but not enough to fool Miho and Yui. Eventually he was confronted by Miho with the evidence and it came out the Hirota was actually Nakano's estranged son, he was worried that he was going to be cut out of the will which led him to attempt to kill his father. Hirota was convinced by Miho to turn himself into the police which he did but shortly after a major development was revealed.
 Tomoko had told the police that Nakano hadn't had any wine that night, his heart condition prevented him from drinking so in the end the tampered bottle of wine had nothing to do with his death, he just died of natural causes. One other huge detail came out after that discovery too and that was the Nakano was actually Lisa's real father, he had put that message on Yui's camcorder which all watched in amazement, no one more than Lisa. It also came out that Nakano didn't want to buy her winery but instead just wanted to help her financially which did happen as in his will he left half of hos vast fortune to her, what also came out that he was extremely well off as he owned the largest trading company in Japan. So her winery was saved and in the process with this huge windfall of money she was able to fulfill the attendant's wishes and was going to start to supply the wine for JAL, thus ending the story.

 Think almost everything that happened was covered here except for a few minor details but in the next post there is such a huge amount of screenshots anything minor missed should be there. All in all it was a solid and enjoyable watch, not a must watch but if you're a fan of any of the 3 main actresses you'd probably enjoy this, even if you're not a fan it made for a good watch. I would recommend this TV movie and give it a rating  8.5/10, it was subbed by Heiwa and is easily available at D-addicts, they usually do a good job with their subs and this time was no different.

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