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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Shinya Shokudo: Season 3 episode three recap and screenshots

 Start Date: October 21, 2014 on TBS/MBS, Tuesdays at 1:11 am

Main Cast:

Karou Kobayashi as Master

Karou is the really only main character in the series but there are many guest stars who pop have popped in and out for the first two seasons, this time around some of the guest stars will include Jo Odagiri, Jun Miho, Yutaka Matsushige, Ken Mitsuishi and many, many more.

 Kept the previous recap for this drama at one long paragraph and will try to do that again, as I mentioned at 22 minutes a show not a lot happens in each episode so if I give away too many details which would be easy to do you wouldn't want to watch the series though I do recommend that you do.

 This episode followed a newer customer named Satomi who worked at a private investigation company and her main task there was to expose cheating spouses. Satomi is training a newbie in the field named Sasaki and he doesn't appear to be cut out for the job, he can't understand why a husband or wife would cheat on the other one. Sasaki, though close to 30, has never had a girlfriend plus he was a virgin until one night when he got a bit tipsy at the Master's restaurant and spent the night with Satomi. He immediately felt that them sleeping together meant that they should be engaged and he somewhat proposed to her but she quickly shot him down.

 Satomi then gives Sasaki his first solo assignment and that was to prove that a husband was cheating on his wife. He did a solid job and was able to prove that the husband was indeed cheating on his wife but the woman he was cheating with was.... Satomi!!!! She set the whole thing up to be discovered, the man she was with was an old flame from a decade ago and the two hooked back up. I can't explain why she set herself up like that, there had to be some message she sent deep between the lines. Satomi then was promptly fired and disappeared from Tokyo though we see her at the end of the episode living in the country, Sasaki was also at a loss why she did what she did, even the Master had no explanation for what had occurred.
 That sums it up fairly well as you have all the major points except for some of the minor details of what happened, perhaps one of those minor details I missed which explained why Satomi had set herself up to be caught cheating and thus getting fired from her job. Through 3 episodes would rate this an 8+/10, not as good as season one so far but still a very solid watch and better than most dramas these days. Will be back in two weeks with another pair of recaps and if you haven't seem the series yet it's easy to get the raws and subs at d-addicts.

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