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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Nagi Memoto: Her sizzling new SPA! "Seasonal Girl" digital book..... WOW!!!!


 Went close to two years without a post for Nagi but this now makes it five in ten months but more importantly it's been four in six months but doubt if that pace will continue. Though perhaps it could as Nagi does seem like a busy woman when she's healthy but that wasn't the case for her in 2022 and the first half of 2023 which is why she graduated from the two J-Pop groups she had been in. Nagi did release a five song solo EP last October but is back with a group that is named Kiyoshi Ryujin 25. It had been an old group that was formed by a producer named Kiyoshi Ryujin and you can tell he named the group after himself. An original group with that name disbanded in 2017 but a new version will be starting up with the release of their debut single next month. Of course Nagi will be one of the new members along with four others and am curious to see what kind of group this will be. Have an idea it could be a 'campy' outfit which would be fine by me, hopefully can do a post for Nagi next month and will have more info on the group then.

 There's a lot of super duper photos in this digital book but for some reason the above is my favorite of the batch. A week ago did a post for another SPA! magazine book and their Seasonal Girl series, that had been for July. Nagi is their woman for August and she also had a book for them in June which was in her last post. On to the book which contains 76 photos, at 150 cm Nagi is one of the shorter women I post about often but she gets my blood boiling. The blood of you viewers too as her posts are always very popular and after the pics check out a short promo video from the photo shoot.

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