Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Monday, August 19, 2024
Mion Mukaichi: Now has the top magazine spread for 2024 plus much more!!!!
The huge favorites for you viewers and myself often don't match but for this women we certainly are in agreement! Mion is someone I adore immensely and have for a very long time as her first post was done in 2018 but then had nothing here for her until last year! In that five year stretch Mion was a busy AKB member but had a grand total of two mag spreads in that period, modeling or event pics and though I kept trying doing a post for her was impossible. That did change last year as Mion had three posts and one was for her first photobook which was simply amazing, her height is just 150 cm but she somehow stand taller than those women who are 160+ cm!!!!
By far the biggest reason we weren't seeing much of Mion for five yeas is that she was the GM for AKB and also their sister groups. She held that position from April 2019 until March of this year when she resigned and sure most fans(me too) presumed she would be graduating. But here it is five months later and it doesn't appear she's going anywhere and am I glad on that but she will be turning 27 in age soon so wouldn't doubt if she left next year. At one time I used to be a massive AKB fan, say from 2010 to 2015. But gradually all my fave members departed, there were very few dramas but plenty of scandals(!) and the worst was how the quality of songs dropped so low. While I never will be a huge fan again there are some members who I do like a lot and have been doing posts for them plus will admit the quality of their singles has really improved over the past two years.
On July 20th of last year Mion released her first photobook which I had as my second favorite one for the year. To celebrate it being the books one year anniversary she posted two unseen pics from the photo shoot a few weeks back and it's those two above. This hasn't been a busy stretch but realized I did have almost seventy pics never posted here and knew her fans would love to see them, the title is right on the money as she may have the best mag spread for 2024! Will begin off with some recent AKB cards, like the '46' groups they don't come out as often as they once did.
Above is the link to Mion's YT channel which she opened in May, she currently has nine videos. While that may not sound like a lot they are long plus are extremely entertaining, I just viewed some of them and check out the ones with her playing ping-pong which I enjoyed plus the one before that was her at a June event called Boom Tokyo. While not many current new pics the below ones are from the group's Ameba blog, the top four are from a July 28th show and the last two pics are how AKB looks these days.... to me all of her solo photos deserve a grade of A++++!!!!
From 2015 until late 2018 Mion did appear in many mags and most of the spreads were gravure ones, then went almost five years having zero of those! There are some of those older sets that have never bene posted here before and will have one of them for today. This spread is from the July 24, 2017 issue of Big Comic Spirits, she was their cover girl and what a change in seven years though of course you could say that about almost all Idols.
Have two more spreads for today, this set wasn't in Mion's last post and is from the September issue of UTB which featured some outtake pics from her photobook.
Final set of pics and they were worth the wait for as I said in the title this could be the top magazine spread of the year. The photo shoot took place right after Christmas and Mion changed her hair color, will say that I think it looks terrific. This fabulous spread is from the March issue of Bubka, second time she's been their cover girl and six of the 22 pics are outtakes from the photo shoot. Thought there was a video of the photo shoot but there wasn't so after the pics have one for her photobook that came out a year ago. It is a long video but is worth skimming through for her gravure parts and it's no lie to say Mion gets my blood boiling more than almost any other woman in the world.... whewwww!!!!
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