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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Gun-Kyu (War Pigeon) movie synopsis and review

 Mainly watched this because Ayumi Kinoshita was in this, she was for 2 small scenes which just totalled a couple of minutes which was a bit disappointing, she had more of the lead in the first two movies in this series but not here. Really going to be a short and simple review as that's how the movie was, simple and was only about 70 minutes.
 Kanako(Chiharu) was a professor at a marine biology college when one day the campus was rocked by the death of a teenage boy who had drowned in a small cistern, the police couldn't figure out the cause of death, accident, murder or suicide. Shortly after this death Kanako began to be both hunted and haunted by some vicious pigeons, she was attacked twice at her school but both times she was alone and when her boyfriend showed up the pigeons disappeared, was this just a dream of hers, never really sure of what happened as this was never fully explained.

 Shortly after the second attack, which actually turned out to be an okay scene as she was severly mutilated with her eyes being torn out and the pigeons eating them, well after the attack Kanako too tried to kill herself in the cistern and it appeared as though she did so. However she shows up in the next scene and it comes to light that her boyfriend pulled her out and ended up killing himself, why he did was another thing not explained nor was there a scene about it. Up until this point while too rushed of a film it still was an okay watch but the last few minutes just wrapped up things so, so quickly, before you knew it the film had ended with a college janitor explaining to Kanko the mystery of the pigeons. During the war when he was a boy the janitor had raised pigeons for the war effort but when they were defeated he had to kill the pigeons which he did by drowning them in the cistern which is where the 'curse' came from. Right when he finished his story a golden pigeon rose out of the cistern releasing the curse and the movie ended just like that, the last 5 minutes should have gone on much longer as this scene along with others was just so rushed.

 Well, that's the review, bit too short but that's how the movie was, bit too short and quite rushed especailly at the end plus because it was too rushed enough things weren't explained or there were no scenes for them. It's a shame because it did show some promise, was a eerie enough film and did have a really good scene with the pigeons attacking Kanako but overall just missed being a good watch, had it been another 10 or more minutes longer would have been a much better movie. Not going to recommend it but also won't say don't watch it, except for the rushed ending was an okay watch and it's short enough so you won't be giving up too juch of your life. As mentioned Ayumi was barely in the film which was a shame but the main star Kanako played by Chiharu Komatsu did a good job, she is quite an attractive woman who I found out did a few AV movies some years ago. Will hunt down the first 2 films in this series because although this wasn't a classic by any means got me interested to check out the first couple which I've heard are better, check out the next post for many scrrenshots from the film.

Year: 2008   Running Time: 70 minutes    Director: Yuichi Kanemaru
Cast: Chiharu Komatsu, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, Ayumi Kinoshita
Small cast, really just the first 2 listed had big parts.

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