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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Kuro no Onna Kyoshi: episode 2 synopsis and Nana Eikura screenshots

 Said in my first review of this series should be able to explain it more in the next post for it, well that's really not going to happen as all the unanswered questions from episode one remain unanswered, really not sure what's going on, not to say it hasn't been good so far just so much more for the viewers to know. Reminds me a bit of Uramiya Honpo with the revenge factor and having to pay for the services to exact the revenge but Uramiya Honpo was better, least so far. Nana has been fine, what a stoic character she's played as you can see by this pic, think we're going to learn more of her in the next episode, previews hinted at that.

 Looks like every episode will focus on a student or two, in this one Shimomura( Ito Ono) has been going out with one of her teachers named Oikawa( Shuji Kashiwabara) but he's been using her and the other students/staff to advance himself as he's planning on moving to a rival prep school and to marry the director's daughter putting himself in line to be his successor. It slowly came out that they were dating each other, Oikawa cleverly set things up in advance to make it look as though Shimomura was stalking him and the school officials believed him as they expelled her. Not everyone believed him but the key ones to believe her were the team of three led by Takakura(Nana) who for a fee, this time it was about $650 they would clear the student and bring the devilish teacher to shame. Well of course they did in nice fashion by shaming him in front of all the students plus setting up a camera that aired the events back to the prep school he was going to work for. Said of course because it'll always work out in this series, the teacher lost his job, new job, fiancee' and was dragged away by the police thus making our heroine team the victors plus putting a few more yen in their pockets.

 Liked it a bit better than the first episode but still can be improved upon, like all those questions about their pasts plus although the last third of the show is quite good seems like it takes too long to build up to the conclusion. So far though would recommend it, has been interesting and the preview for the next show looks quite promising so hopefully the next post on this show will have more things explained plus be a bit more positive about the drama.

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