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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ghost Mama Sousasen: episode 4 synopsis and Yukie Nakama screenshots

  Had been hoping that the series would change a bit, such as making Mirai's or Ikki's roles a bit bigger, well it happened this episode though with not the greatest of results, an okay effort but no storyline you haven't seen before.
  Aio(Mirai) has been studying hard for her exams with a friend at a local diner, she also has the hots for a waiter there but is too shy to speak up. One day her friend gives her two free tickets for a movie the next day and even asks the guy to go to the movies with Aoi and he agrees, sending her into seventh heaven. The pair, of course being followed by her ghost mama Choko(Yukie), have a real good time and are planning to go out somewhere else when they are spotted by her father. Aoi had told him she would be studying and went on the date behind his back, he went over the top when he spotted them, yelling at her and telling him to leave, never to see his daughter again!

   The argument continued at home with Kohei even slapping Aoi and she ended up running away, still of course being followed by Choko who had seen what a fine young man her date was but couldn't tell her husband that. Well to make a short story even shorter Choko once again enlists the help of her son Tonbo to try to patch things up, they staged something where Aoi would go back to the diner to see her boyfriend. It worked and when Aoi got there her father was apologizing to her boyfriend for making such a scene, Aoi sees him and also forgives him as he does to her and as fairy tales go it ended up happily ever after.
  So-so episode at best, think when Choko solved crimes the stories were a bit more interesting, this episode ended up being a bit boring and way too predicatable. An okay watch but the worst so far for this series, keeping my fingers crossed that the plots will become a bit more original from now on. As usual a bnch of screenshots of Yukie from the latest episode, though her part was still the biggest she didn't have much of an impact on what happened event wise this week. However we did learn about her and Kohei, seems as though when Aoi was 2 years old he got divorced from his wife, the two of them lived alone for the next seven years until him and Choko met and it was love at first sight!

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