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Monday, July 30, 2012

Gegege no Nyobo: Week 2 recap and Nao Matsushita screenshots

 On to week 2 now where the story is still centered on Fumie(Nao) growing up, where as week one showed Fumie as a young girl growing up during and after the was the story now moves up to the later 1950's where Fumie as now turned into a fine young lady. Hadn't mentioned it but during this time the family lived in Otsuka, right outside of Yasugi city which is in the eastern part of the Shimane prefecture.
 Briefly is how I said the recaps would be and they will be short ones, so many weeks to go through plus it being 26 weeks long they storyline doesn't get rushed through enabling us better understand the main characters. Fumie is working in her family's store, one that changes what they sell quite often depending on what the 'hot items' of the time were. Fumie's sisters got married at a young age but this was not so for her, being such a tall woman seemed to turn many men off and her family, especially her father, were worried she would never get married. During one stretch the story was about an arranged marraige for Fumie which fell through but cost her the chance to be a teacher, she was offered a position doing that but it fell through once the marraige was announced so she ended up with both not getting married and no teaching job.
  That was the main thing that happened during week 2, the main focus was watching Fumie with her family and how they came to really depend on her, she still hadn't met her future husband yet, that doesn't happen for a while yet, not until 1960. Actually one other main event during this week was that Fumie's grandmother passes away, she lived with the family and was a bit of a second mother to Fumie. Recaps may be brief but don't want to give away too much of the story or spoil it for you, it's slow paced but mainly is always quite interesting. As always going to end these posts off with many screenshots of Nao for that week, the grandmother who passed away this week is the narrator for the show and you'll see many of her voiceovers in these pics.

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