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Monday, July 16, 2012

Ghost Mama Sousasen: episode 2 synopsis and Yukie Nakama screenshots

  Mentioned after the first episode was unsure what direction this drama would take, was an okay beginning but had room for improvement but there was also the possibility of it slipping, after episode 2 those thoughts haven't changed, bit of a better episode byt still room for improvement.
  In the first episode Choko(Yukie) with the help of her youg son solved a serial arson case, the arsonist was also the one responsible for Choko's death. This time around there was no police case to solve but Choko and her son Tonbo helped out the ghost she met briefly in the first episode named Takeru, played by Kento Kaku but as you'll see he'll no onger be around. Seems as though ghosts stay around on earth long enough to fulfill whatever their unfinished business may have been, for Choko it's still raising her very timid son, for Takeru it was to apologize to the girl who she thought he had stood her up on a date.
  However that was not the case, on the way to meet the girl called Kaho for their date was when he got likked in an accident, she didn't know that though so for six months she's been quite bothered by him standing her up. So he had to remain on Earth until he could somehow apologize to her but it was impossible being a ghost but once again this is where Tonbo saves the fay. The glasses that enable him to see his mother also let hom see other ghosts so it's arranged for him to meet up with Kaho to explain what happened. Of course she didn't believe him at first, whi would believe a young boy saying that the ghost of Takeru told him to tell her what exactly happened. Eventually in a bit of a sappy ending she did come around and forgave him though shortly after this a beam of light appeared out of the sky and whisked Takeru to heaven as his destiny was fulfilled, will this happen to Choko by the end of the series?
  Quite a simple story, which is okay because it was an enjoyable watch, tad better than the opening episode though it could be better. One way would be to have the roles of Choko's husband Kohei(Ikki Swamura) and her daughter Aoi(Mirai Shida) expanded, both are fine actors but so far their roles have been too small and not that substantial, really hoping that'll change. All in all though it's been a pleasant of enough watch for the first 2 episodes, nothing ground breaking but good enough to view if you were thinking about it and to end off like we always will here's plenty of Yukie sceeenshots from this episode.

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