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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Thursday, March 4, 2021
Haruka Fukuhara: Hard to believe but this is....
.... her first post for 2021! It is hard to believe and really have been trying to have one before now but obviously that didn't pan out. It's not exactly her first post of the year as I did have twelve for her "Yuru Camp" drama but as far as regular ones go this is the first. It's not that Haruka hasn't been busy for she certainly has but what's consumed so much of her time is filming dramas. She's already been in two this year and has another one starting very shortly. But think this happened in 2020 also and Haruka ended up with eight posts like this one. There should be another within the month and let's hope for a slew of them so she can improve on last year's finish of seventh place on the faves list.
That was one spot higher than the previous year but in all honesty would place Haruka in my current top five for faves. She's been there for a while and is part of that very small 'Nao Elite' group which probably doesn't even have a dozen members. Those gals are just so above any other woman I post often about and to me she's the most attractive female here. Been making these intros a tad too long lately and don't know why, let's get to the new pics which total seventy or so? Three days ago Haruka opened her official site which has many things there but of course that will be increasing rapidly as time goes on, here's the link to the site: Haruka's official site
Slightly older pics as these are from a January interview with the Model Press site.
That interview was for her second drama of 2021, 'Uchi no Musume' and have plenty of IG pics from the set and her adorable buddy. Those are the bottom six while the top two are from Sunday's TGC show and more on that to end the post off with.
Did recap the first two shows of the drama but aborted it as I'm already doing two other series and had just finished another one. Have kept watching it and it's a decent show but nothing overly terrific, am curious on how it's going to end. In the drama Haruka plays the character of Saori who is definitely an odd gal. She's 22 in age and could almost have been considered a stalker as she had ben hounding her boyfriend. Saori even got a job as an OL at his office just to keep tabs on him, she was soon let go because of her obsessive ways.
So Saori eventually befriended an older man who owned a restaurant which is a key location in the show. Not just any older man but one who is close to seventy in age(!) and she soon got a waitress job at his restaurant. But the question is will the two somehow become a couple? Does sound eerie and it probably won't happen but the two get along just so well. These are from the third episode when they first became acquainted.
That's the older gent above. That series I mentioned that just got recapped was the first season of "Yuru Camp" and that aired from January to March of 2020. Thought it was an enjoyable show, not an essential watch unless you're a huge Haruka fan like me but would recommend it. If you did view the drama and also enjoyed it then have some good news as there will be a second season beginning on April 1st. Not much news about it yet and hope there will be more in her next post but there are a few promo pics for it.
More fabulous interview pics for the "Yuru Camp" drama. It took place on Sunday after the TGC show and were with 'TheTV.jp' site, it's link: The TV interview
Haruka is not a popular woman here and her posts usually don't get that many views. To me it's because of the lack of gravure pics but that actually adds to her charm and as mentioned she's the most attractive gal I post about. If you think about most of my top ten faves from last last didn't have many gravure pics save for their photobooks, really just #9 was the exception. Hope to have her upcoming UTB spread in that next post and some pics from the photo shoot.
This is a tremendous Haruka set and wish it was so much larger. It's from the March 12th issue of Shukan Bunshun and we should be seeing a few more spreads coming up.
The Spring/Summer 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show took place on February 28th at the Yoyogi First Gymnasium in front of.... zero fans! That's of course because an audience isn't allowed at events like that but it was streamed live and it can hold over 13,000 fans for those kinds of shows. These days Haruka is usually in attendance at these shows and always looks fabulous. She took two strolls with this first one being on the 'Solo Can Girl' stage.
Of course she looked super duper in the above pics but I like this set better. For Haruka's second stroll at the show she was dressed like her character in the "Yuru Camp" drama and the segment was actually to promote the show which as mentioned begins on April 1st. Hope this season gets subbed, the first season did but it took almost seven months for the entire series to be completed. Following the pics have a video of her promoting the drama and really hope it doesn't get deleted too quickly....
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