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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Yuika Motokariya: Soko wo Nantoka drama episode 3 recap and screenhsots

Air Dates: October 21 to December 16, 2012 on NHK, Sundays at 10:00 pm

Main Cast:

Yuikia Motokariya as Rakuko Kaise
Kamejiro Ichikawa as Hiroaki Shoji
Kohei Otomo as Kotaro Sugawara
Megumi as Aki Kubota
Shunji Igarashi as Kouki Akaboshi
Waka Inoue as Shiori Nkado
Yukijiro Hotaru as The Judge 

 This drama did start to get a bit better but unfortunately not until the next episode, I'm going to try to make this recap brief as it really has been the worst of the four shows I've watched, all the others have been good so guess a batting average of .750 so far is okay, least Yuika is looking terrific.
 Rakuko though a lawyer is still a poverty case living in a boarding house, she's poor but doesn't seem to be lacking in things such as nice clothes or food. One other the other boarders is an immigrant from the Philippines named Angelica who is a nurse. She had moved to Japan as a young child with her parents who have been deported but Angelica thinks of Japan as her home, she only speaks Japanese and has zero ties with the Philippines except for the fact that her parents live there.

 Angelica has a visa to live and work in Japan, as long as she continues her job as a nurse there would never be a problem with her staying. However a huge problem came up which is that Angelica is pregnant and won't be able to work for a while. The father is a well off businessman who she met at a club however he's nowhere to be found, if she can't get him to marry her she is going to be deported, The father, whose name is Inamoto, besides being AWOL is also a married man to a respected woman, though Inamoto is a successful businessman it's due to his wife as her father owns the company he works for.
 This is where Rakuko comes in, she's willing to help Angelica out as she doesn't want to see her deported. Rakuko confronts the wife a few times who refuses to tell her the whereabouts of her husband, she also denies strongly that Angelica's baby could possibly be her husbands. Would have been simple if they took blood tests but this was never brought up for some reason, also Inamoto was nowhere to be found.
 Said this recap would be brief and will make it so. There is a final confrontation with Rakuko, Angelica, Inamoto's wife and her lawyer. The wife still refuses to acknowledge that her husband could be the father of the baby, she really was a cold hearted woman and it wouldn't have bothered her in the least to see Angelica deported. This confrontation was not going well for Rakuko until suddenly Angelica went into labor and she was rushed to the hospital... in a taxi(!), no clue why a ambulance wasn't called. Angelica had her baby and of all surprising developments shortly after the birth Inamoto showed up at the hospital. However he was no longer called Inamoto, he switched back to his real name which was Oyamada, he had changed it when he got married. Now he was leaving his wife to be with Angelica and it looks the couple will be living happily ever after even though he now has no job as the only reason he had one was due to his wife.

 Guess that sums it well enough, it wasn't a bad episode but it ended up being quite boring, not enough 'legal action' in this show/ Rakuko really had no impact as a lawyer in this show, case never went to court and everything fell into place once the father showed up so she really didn't need to do hardly any legal work. Hopefully this will be the only dud in the series, have watched the next episode and that one was just so much better, if you skipped this one you wouldn't be missing anything.
\ Said I was going to post two episodes at a time but going to change that and just do one at a time. Like I mentioned have watched the next episode but there isn't enough time to write it up today so will be doing one recap at a time, probably makes no difference whether one or two are done at once. Also the subs for the last two episodes haven't been completed yet so need to slow down a tad on this drama's recaps as I'd rather have all the episodes subbed before I watch too many more shows, hate having to wait for them as too often I end up skipping the last show or two then. Will have the 4th episode recap done shortly, after that there's just five more shows to go and as usual the following post as a huge amount of Yukia screenshots from the episode.

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