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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Yuika Motokariya: Soko wo Nantoka drama episode 2 recap and screenshots

Air Dates: October 21 to December 16, 2012 on NHK, Sundays at 10:00 pm

Main Cast:

Yuikia Motokariya as Rakuko Kaise
Kamejiro Ichikawa as Hiroaki Shoji
Kohei Otomo as Kotaro Sugawara
Megumi as Aki Kubota
Shunji Igarashi as Kouki Akaboshi
Waka Inoue as Shiori Nkado
Yukijiro Hotaru as The Judge 

 Need to pick up my pace on watching dramas or lat least have a better pace on watching them, can watch 10 episodes in five days and then zero for the next five days, watched the first two episodes about two weeks ago and haven't continued on yet, need to buckle down as this series shows some promise. First two episodes are good but not excellent but it does give us a good background of Rakuko(Yuika) and the obstacles she overcame to get a law degree and eventually find a job in the law field.
 At the end of the first episode though Rakuko had lost her first case in court it looks like she's been hired on permanently by the small firm which she just started working for. I twas the only firm that would hire Rakuiko as it's not a good era for lawyers to get a job and make the big bucks, especially for someone who just graduated from law school. Though Rakuko did lose her first court case she did show quite a bit of potential, she easily could have won the case except for some strange events that happened right at the end of the trial.

 Didn't mention him in the first recap but here's a smart and experienced lawyer at the firm named Shoji, he was against hiring Rakuko and sees her hurting the firm, he could be a thorn in Rakuko's side. A thorn but he also seems to have a soft side as he's helped out Rakuko a few times already, we think he wants to help her out but we really don't know much about him or actually any of the others in the law firm.
 The firm gets very few cases but got two this episode and one of them was assigned to the rookie Rakuko. The case involved a hit and run accident which severely hurt a high school senior who ends up in the hospital with a broken leg and other various injuries. He was a member of his school's rugby team too and now cannot play for them as it's a very good team with possibilities of winning their regional championship. Th injured boy's name was Yabecchi and he creates a mess for Rakuko and her client bu suing them for 100 million yen! The suspect was driving a foreign car so he presumed he was rich, he did have money but not that amount and even when the suspect's grandmother offered to settle out of court for one million yen he refused.
 Though on an excellent rugby team Rakuko found out Yabecchi was only a reserve on the team and started to do a bit of background work on him. She found out some interesting details but won't go into them deeply as not to give away too many spoilers but Yabecchi was coming home the night of an accident from a place he said he wasn't, after things started to unravel for him a bit. Rakuko started to take a bit of pity on him and besides trying to win the case for her client was also trying to help out Yabecchi, he actually began to like and trust Rakuko.

 Skipping all the minor details the case eventually goes to court and with all of Rakuko's hard work on exactly what happened that night the judge found her client not guilty but he still was put on probation and had to pay a small settlement. Rakuko was naturally elated over the verdict but that elation didn't last long as she found out some disturbing facts that her client had withheld from her. On the night of the accident he had been out drinking and if it wasn't for a slip of the tongue by his grandmother nobody would have known that. However Rakuko learned these facts after the verdict so there wasn't a thing she could do about it, her client couldn't go back to trial again for the same offense. Rakuko really believes in the justice system and was crushed when she heard about her client being drunk the night of the accident but her hands were tied, though she won the case it felt more like a loss to her. Rakuko confronted her client outside the court and told him what she had learned but him and his friends just blew her off laughing at her as they walked away. She had the final laugh though as a short time after her client was again out driving drunk and this time was caught by the police which happened in the closing credits.

 Think that sums up the major points, hate to make these too long and give away every detail of what happened and to spoil it for those who may want to watch the drama. Next post though has many more Yuika screenshots from this episode which will have some of the details I've omitted. Bit better than the first episode but still not a must watch drama or at least yet it's not but really think this series will get better with each episode. Mentioned above that I've been a bit lazy on watching dramas lately but will start on this show again tomorrow and hopefully have two more recaps coming within the week.

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