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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Miori Takimoto: "Satsujin Hensachi 70" TV movie from July 2014 recap and screenshots

 Air Date: July 2, 2014 at 9:00 pm on NTV, length was 95 minutes

Main Cast:

Haruma Miura as Keisuke Miyahara
Yu Shirota as Hiroshi Tanaka
Miori Takimoto as Rikako Miyama
Chiaki Kuriyama as Sana Nishiura
Katsumi Takahashi as Senichi Miyahara
Renn Kiriyama as Takahiro Kusumi

 This TV movie was just subbed last week, over two months after it aired but it was still a nice surprise to see it done. Am going to try to keep this brief unlike some of my other reviews, would recommend this as it was fairly good with a twist ending but wouldn't have watched it if Miori wasn't in it. Her role was bigger than I thought but the main two characters really dominated the movie.

 Miori plays Rikako, never heard that name before, who is a student at Tokyo University.... Todai.... her boyfriend Keisuke isn't though as he's failed the entrance exam twice. On the day he was scheduled to take the exam for the final time, three times is the limit, he overslept and tries to rush to the exam center but there was no way he was going to make it in time. The previous night Keisuke had a dream about a bomb going off at Todai and in his rush trying to make it to the exam he had a devilish thought. He slipped into a internet cafe and sent a bomb threat to Todai hoping they would postpone the the exam until they made sure there was no bomb there. The false alarm worked as the exam was delayed allowing Keisuke to sneak into the exam and act like he had been there the whole time, he thought no one had noticed his late arrival but we're about to learn that wasn't the case.
 On his final attempt at the exam Keisuke passed and is now a student at Todai which is the top college in Japan, he thinks his live is now complete and nothing could go wrong now with his future. That thinking was premature as another person who took the exam named Hiroshi had noticed him coming to the test late and sneaking into the crowd seemingly unnoticed. Hiroshi did some checking and found the internet cafe Keisuke sent the threat from, he also dug up a few other not so pleasant tidbits from his past.

 Hiroshi met up with keisuke and presented all the evidence he had found on him. With no other alrenatives as Keisuke had to keep the bomb threat a secret eh allowed himself to be blackmailed by Hiroshi whose demands kept increasing until he eventually bled Keisuke dry of money. Keisuke found a part time job then but unknown to him it was selling drugs at a rock club, peddling drugs was another blackmail card Hiroshi had to work with. Things like that kept going on and on, Keisuke started to become a bit crazy and even violent, he really became violent once her learned that his girlfriend Rikako may be breaking it off with him to be with a very elite student.
 Will try to condense the ending down a bit but it was quite a twist to end the movie as Keisuke had finally snapped and went to seek his revenge on Hiroshi and his cohort Sana. They verbally sparred for a while but soon enough as Rikako had suddenly rushed in to stop the madness Keisuke lunged at Hiroshi with a knife and stabbed him.... to death? No, he didn't stab him to death as this is where the twist came in as Keisuke had stabbed himself to death. Everything that happened up to this point was all fiction in Keisuke's mind, Hiroshi wasn't blackmailing him nor doing any other things to destroy his life. Also there was no cohort named Sana, she was another part of Keisuke's disillusioned mind who wasn't real. Most of this disillusionment was brought on from Keisuke's past which wasn't so good, his mother had left the family and he had blamed himself for that plus all the other pressures from over the years had finally led him to snap. Thus the story ends with Keisuke dying in Rikako's arms but we did learn in the closing seconds there was a man named Hiroshi but he really had nothing to do with anything that happened though Keisuke had once contacted him, the police were still interested in him though.

 Think that was brief enough but covered most of the main points, that ending really came out of nowhere. If anyone has read my reviews at my Aitoda blog you know I try not give away too many spoilers, really don't like those reviewers that tell every single detail of what happened in a drama or movie, need to leave out some details for those haven't viewed it. I would recommend this movie, whole cast did an superb job and the story was quite interesting and as mentioned you don't see that ending coming at all. Miori's role was bigger than I expected, not meaty enough as some of her other characters but she did a fine job as usual. Took so many screenshots of Miori have another post after this one for them, no need to tell you how fantastic she looked in this movie, she truly gets more attractive by the minute.

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