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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Miori Takimoto: Teppan drama week 2 recap and screenhsots

 Air Dates: September 27, 2010 to April 2, 2011 on NHK Monday through Saturday at 8:15 am
There was a total of 151 episodes and rating was 17.2%

Main Cast for the first 4 weeks:

Miori Takimoto as Akari Murakami, heroine of the drama
Junko Fuji as Hatsune Tanaka, Akari's grandmother
Kenichi Endo as Jyou Murakami, Akari's father and owner of a small metal shop
Narumi Yasuda as Machiko Murakami, Akari's mother
Kaname Endo as Kinya Murakami, Akari's older brother
Naoyuki Morita as Teppei Murakami, Akari's younger brother
Aki Asakura as Kana Shinomiya, Akari's best friend
Shingo Yanagisawa as Kyuta Shinomiya
Toshinori Omi as Ryuen Yokuyama
Rie Tomosaka as Fuyumi Nishio
Haruka Kinami as Chiharu Tanaka, Akari's deceased mother

In hopefully only two sentences I'll bring you up to date on the status of Akari(Miori) heading into week two. Akari has met her grandmother who she had never met, learned that she was adopted, she's about to turn 18 and her graduation from high school is coming up. Also though an excellent trumpet player she wants to quit playing it, has decided not to go to college but instead is seeking employment but is finding it difficult.
 And that should bring us up to date, the week 1 recap of course has all the info you'll need so if you skipped that would probably be a good idea to read that post. Most of this week deals with Akari trying to get a job, she really shocked everyone when she decided not to go to college, most thought she would go to a music school to further her trumpet playing. Her father is dead set against Akari getting a job but he sort of has his hands tied, there's not much he can do but her mother seems to be the most reliable person in the family, she's supporting Akari 100%.

 Akari is also having a difficult time again with her adoption, she seemed to come to grips with it in week 1 but all the pressures she's facing now has made her feel like she's not an official member of the Murakami family. All those troubles happened during episodes 9-11 but eventually everything worked out fine, she knows that although her parents weren't her 'real' ones they are her family and her parents have never treated her differently than their real children, it was just such a shock to learn when you're 17 that you were adopted.
 In week one Akari had taken a day trip to Osaka to visit her grandmother and fallen in love with the city, her older brother suggested she should return there to find a job, there should be plenty there for her. And that's exactly what Akari did, though she just turned 18 she was able to get a job in Osaka as an office lady, once again it's something that her father doesn't want her to do and forbids her to accept the job.But once again Akari's mother comes to the rescue and somewhat smooths out things between the father and Akari, her mother is really once nice and supportive woman, the kind you'd like for a mother.
 There's two more things for Akari to do before she leaves Onomichi, one is the school band's final concert. Just before the concert Akari tells the rest of the band members that it'll be the last time she'll be playing the trumpet, she's going to give it up completely which shocked all the members, Akari was considered the best player in the band and sort of an unofficial leader. Also the last big event was her high school graduation, really not an event that was important to her but graduating meant she could work as an OL.

 This week ends off the Akari about to head out by ship to Osaka to take the OL position and her whole family sees her off. That is all but her father who still doesn't want Akari to leave Onomichi but just before she boards the ship she has a heart to heart phone conversation with her father and all seems smoothed out, for a tough guy her father is a bit of a softie.
 And that brings us up to the end of week two and the first 12 episodes, think I've done a good job keeping the recap brief but still explaining all the major points. Things can go a bit slowly in these kinds of dramas and a few episodes did this week, when there's a total of 26 weeks there needs to be a bit of filler now and again, this week had some of that but still it never dragged nor was boring. Check out the next post for the usual mega amount of Miori screenshots from this week, explained most of what happened in this post but they may help you follow the story a bit better.

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