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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saki Fukuda: "Owakon" drama episode one recap, screenshots and more

 This drama ran on the NHK BS Premium channel for a total of eight episodes with it's start date July 1, 2014 and it's air time was Tuesdays at 11:15 pm.

Main Cast:

Sonny Chiba as Genjiro Aramaki... President of Chocolate TV
Kotaro Koizumi as Keisuke Mihashi.... Producer
Nana Katase as Kanako Minamoto.... Producer
Saki Fukuda as Misaki Shinoda.... Assistant Director
Shigeyuki Totsugi as Hayabusa Takahashi.... Producer
Satoshi Tomiura as Masaharu Kinoshita.... Misaki's assistsnt
Yuya Endo as Jun Tsukamoto..... Assistant Director
Yui Ichikawa as Tadashi Komata.... Temporary clerical worker

 Was going to do a somewhat lengthy review on this drama but it took so long to get subbed and then so long to find some of the episodes I was missing doesn't make too much sense going into too much detail about this series. Also these reviews be shorter because I'm a bit pressed for time tonight but have put this aside for too long and really wanted to finally get these reviews done. Though it has a real solid cast mainly watched it because of Saki but then again it was a fairly entertaining show so would have watched it eventually even if she wasn't in it.
 Planning what I'm going to do as I'm writing this as it's been a few weeks since I finished it and mainly concentrating on Saki so think there will be a total of four posts for the drama and will be briefly giving a recap on some of the episodes but mainly doing it to post her screenshots.
 Main reason for skipping a few shows is that in quite a few episodes they just featured a few of the cast members which meant that a few of them were on the screen for only about a minute, it was like that for Saki in episodes two and five but except for Chiba all of the cast had minor roles in a few episodes.

 Chocolate TV is a small production company that produces documentaries and variety shows for two larger fictional TV stations, Chou TV and Dai-Nippon. Every episode dealt with a struggle Chocolate TV was going through as they were barely keeping their heads above water, actually at the end of the series we're not sure if the company was going to survive.
 In this first episode the company produced a documentary on a very successful writer, however the doc didn't go over so well as the writer was against the idea and did everything he could think of to make it a boring one so it wouldn't be aired. Mihashi is the senior producer/director for Chocolate TV and though the writer tried to make the doc come out looking extremely bad he was able to use his talents to make it look like a fairly good show, it even made the writer look good.
 To make a short story even shorter the writer then tried to stop the documentary from airing but eventually through the efforts of Mihashi he relented and the show aired. Mentioned that Chocolate TV was always struggling, even little jobs like this they couldn't afford to lose as they were really scrapping by day after day. These episodes are short at 28 minutes each which is the kind of length I like but because of the shows being a bit short they can't go into as much detail as a regular length drama.
 We(I) really need to see Saki in more dramas, this was her only one since the Fall of 2013 and she usually had appeared in two or three a year, she's done a couple guest spots so far this year in dramas but no word yet when her next full time series will be. Saki plays the role of Misaki who is an assistant director at Chocolate TV, she usually is on the set of a live comedy show but helps out wherever she's needed as she's one of those employees who seems to know how to do everything.  Saki did a solid job as always in this drama and looked too adorable to believe but she's had better roles in the past, seems she was a bit subdued in her part and would have liked to see her play a more interesting character. These are screenshots from this first episode and after them check out for a few more pics of her.

 Mentioned above the episodes seemed to feature on a couple of the main cast members which meant that other only appeared in a show for a minute or two, that happened to Saki in episodes three and five so here are the screenshots from that show.

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