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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Miori Takimoto: May 2015 news #2

 Lagoon's second single "KNOCKED OUT BOY" is coming out on May 27th, it'll probably be a much bigger hit than their first single which came out last November. Reason I think that way is they did very little promoting for that single while this time around the band has done the complete opposite. They've already played a few shows in the last month plus between the 27th and June 13th they're going to be playing over ten shows along with a few other promo appearances for the single.
 On May 23rd they played a mini concert in Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki where they played the new single along with a few other tunes. Miori is another female who I'm running out of adjectives to describe her, has she reached a level in beauty that very few in the history of the world have hit? WOW WOW WOW WOW !!!!

 The 23rd was a busy day for Miori as she also attended the premiere of the "Bakabon- Dog of Flanders" movie. It's an anime film where she does the voice of Nero in it, while there was on video of the above concert there is one for the premiere which is after the pics.

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