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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sakura Miyawaki: "Majisuka Gakuen 4" drama screenshots and character review #1

Sakura is just 17 and I hardly ever post about Idols younger than 18 but then again figured this is a drama post and I'm sure there's been many other drama reviews here with others younger than 18. Guess I really just try not to post skimpy mag spreads, photobooks and pics like those with the younger females, Sakura has done her share of them but we're just doing a drama/character review here.
 Sakura has the lead role in this drama, the whole series revolves around her character and her endless struggle to 'climb the stairs'. Climbing those stairs means defeating the 4 Queens which were talked about in the above post, if she could defeat them then she could challenge their 'Rappapa' group leader Salt for control of the school
 If you saw season one then Sakura's character is almost exactly like Atsuko's, both were transfer students, excellent fighters, quiet loners and with the goal to take the top position in the school.

  One difference though is that we don't learn as much about Sakura in this series, we never quite learn the exact reason why she wants to become the leader of the school and why she transferred there to do that. One thing that's not different at all is their abilities as fighters, hard to believe such diminutive females can fight so toughly but both of them can and never lose. We never see Sakura lose until the very end of the drama but won't get into that quite yet but to challenge the leader Salt she must first defeat the brutal combo of the 4 Queens.
 In episode four she has her first duel against one of them, it was a struggle but Sakura did eventually end up on top in their fight. However each Queen is tougher as she finds out, in the fifth episode it was another grudge match and one where though she did end up on top Sakura did receive a severe beating.

  Also besides the Queens Sakura has to defeat many other opponents along the way, some are from her school while others are rival gangs. However none of them are nearly as though as the 4 Queens and Sakura manages to defeat them all much more easily, along the way she picks up a pair who want to become her underlings, That pair is Kamisori and Zombie, both are freshmen and are actually quite tough compared to other students but when they try to tangle with Sakura both are defeated rather handily. They desperately want to become part of Sakura's group but that's a no go with her as she's just a group of one.

 That takes us up to the end of episode five, Sakura has defeated half of the 4 Queens as she's needs to defeat the other two if she want's to challenge the leader of the Rappapa group, Salt.
 I'm going to stop the review here as Sakura is such a major character in this drama this post would have to be twice as long and would rather not have to rush through all the details plus there's so many screenshots this post would be way too big. So what's I'm going to do is have another post looking at Sakura's character for episodes 6-10 and that should be done right around the time the recaps for the entire series are done which I hope is sooner than later.
 It should be sooner though as I've broken the ice with these two posts and now am much more motivated to finish up those recaps for this ten episode series. The pics so far are from the first show and the screenshots below are for episodes 2-5 as it may help you see what's going on before the reviews are done. One small spoiler I'm going to mention though is that the way the drama ended up there is going to be a 5th season, there is no doubt in my mind on that and also am fairly sure that Sakura will once again be the star of it.

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