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Friday, September 4, 2015

Nogizaka46: "Hatsumori Bemars" drama episode 8 info- no recap this week....

Nanase Nishino as Nanamaru
Erika Ikuta as Chopin
Kazumi Takayama as Kote
Nanami Hashimoto as Marukyu
Rina Ikoma as Academy
Yumi Wakatsuki as Imadoki
Manatsu Alimoto as Harvard
Reika Sakurai as Bunan 
Sayuri Matsumura a sYuutsu
Mai Fukagawa as Kachan
Mai Shiraishi as Kirei
Misa Eto as Shelly

 As the title mentions there's not going to be a recap this week though I did watch the episode. The reason for no recap is that it's a two-parter with the conclusion coming in episode 9 so figured it'd be much better to combine the two recaps into one. Also the order would be better because you would read the recap for episode 9 then may wonder what events led up to things, then you'd have to go hunting for the episode 8 recap. So sometime next week then will be doing a much longer review looking then at episodes 8 and 9, this past episode was actually a good one and will recommend it before the recap.
 Had been unsure about how long this drama would be but thinking it'll be 11 episodes, you have to figure the Bemars team will win in episode 9 and then there will probably be another two-parter to end off the series. Briefly though the team is in the semi-finals and they're playing a team that lost in the previous year's championship game. The two major things that happened and will expand on it more next week is that Nanamaru is trying to learn how to throw a difficult curveball, she thinks learning it will be the only way for the Bemars to advance to the finals.
 Meanwhile Imadoki has been suspended from the team because she failed a school exam, until she passes the makeup she won't be able to play. At the end of the show she was taking the exam over, she did study for it so wouldn't doubt if she passes the test. However the Bemars have just started their game, will Imadoki pass before the game finishes? Actually the game didn't start until the very end of the show, the first batter of the game is still up but looks like Nanamaru's new curveball is working finally, she could never throw it correctly in practice. No recap but here's a few screenshots to carry you over until the next episode.

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