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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Tsubasa Honda: "Koinaka" drama episode 7 recap and screenshots

 Start Date: Monday, July 20th on Fuji-TV at 9:00 pm

Main Cast:

Tsubasa Honda as Akari Serizawa
Sota Fukushi as Aoi Miura
Shuhei Nomura as Aoi Shota
Taiga as Kouhei Kanazawa
Sakurako Ohara as Nanami Miura
Mizuki Yamamoto as Mirei Tominaga
 Karen Otomo as Kokone Yamasiro
Yui Ichikawa as Ruiko Saeki

 Most of these episodes have started out quite slow, seemed that the first 1/3 of most shows contained too much filler and dragged by. This episode was the complete opposite though as the first half was quite good but then it faded horribly in the second half where the fluffiness and sentimentality was kind of sickening. Though there had been a lot of filler in the last few episodes there wasn't too much of that fluffiness, it really dragged this episode way down and may make for a short recap.

 Shota has had as a patient a teenage girl that has been staying at his hospital, a girl who Akari has been tutoring. At the conclusion of the last episode the girl who is named Kokone had passed out, Akari happened to be right outside her room and called for help. Shota was able to save the girl but what's going to happen now is that for better treatment she's going to be transferred to a hospital in Hokkaido which breaks Kokone's heart as she wants to go to a fireworks show with her boyfriend.
 More on that later but because of that incident Akari didn't make it to Miura's apartment as they were going to have a mini celebration for Akari who had just passed her exams to become a teacher. Nothing more was mentioned about that in this episode, she can now be a teacher but will she?
 Her missing that celebration has irritated Miura quite severely and he kind of blows off Akari when she tried to come over the following ,morning. Plus things at Miura job aren't going well, him concentrating on Akari so much has made his work suffer and his boss suggests to him perhaps he should seek a different line of employment. But being a drama things eventually work out for Miura at his job, he was taken off a major project but now has been put back on it by episode's end, just the way it happened doesn't happen in real life that easily.

 Also after things started going better for Miura at his job so don't things start to go better for him with Akari as they made up after that mini squabble and seem even closer than ever, least for a little while. Back to Kokone and most of the second half of the show was devoted to her, is her dream of seeing the fireworks with her boyfriend gone because she's going to Hokkaido? Thanks to the efforts of Akari, Miura and Shota she was able to live out her dream as the trio along with some others from the staff who helped out turned the hospital into a mini fair.
 Kokone's boyfriend showed up and everyone had such a dream time, it was kind of nauseating to be honest. So everyone had a grand time, even Miura's boss showed up at the fair and gave him a pair of tickets to a park which he plans to bring Akari to. Meanwhile though Akari and Shota were discussing a few things in the 'fireworks room', Shota had changed his ways which Akari had noticed and was starting to like him again all over. During their discussion Shoata asked her to marry him, a second after he wrapped his arms around Akari. Of course right at that moment Miura walked into the room and saw the scene and stood there dumbfounded. There's probably more than meets the eye as we don't know how Akari will respond to the proposal, you would think she would refuse it but not certain on that either. And that final scene brought us to the conclusion of this episode, think there's just three more to go and hope there's no more than that.

 Most of the episode I would give a rating of an 8/10, that fair scene at the hospital was so bad will drop that rating to a 5/10, it was seriously too fluffy to stomach and one of the pluses about this drama was how it stayed away from fluffiness like that. Will still finish watching this drama and will also post on all of the remaining episodes but this last episode was one you could skip, the beginning was okay and the last two minutes set up the next episode nicely but all in all if miss this episode you haven't missed much.
 Least Tsubasa looks mighty fine as usual, her acting has been fine and really the whole cast has done a solid job but they don't always have the strongest of scripts it seems. Hopefully next week I'll be back with a real positive recap as I really do want to like this drama and sort of do but it's kind of tapered off the last few episodes.

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