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Friday, October 23, 2015

Yui Aragaki: "Okitegami Kyoko no Biboroku" episode two recap and screenshots

 Start Date: October 10, 2015 Episode one rating: 10.3% Director: Toya Sato

Main Cast:

Yui Aragaki as Kyoko Okitegami
Masaki Okada as Yakusuke Kakushidate
Mitsuhiro Oikawa as Horo Kizunai
Arioka Daiki as Nuru Narikawa
Rio Uchida as Makuru Makuma

 So far both episodes have been good but not overly interesting, not a must watch by any stretch but do find myself enjoying it quite a bit, sometimes I don't understand why I like certain dramas even though they're so-so while others that are very good really can't get into.
 This show just had one crime for Kyoko(Gakky) to solve versus the first episode's two. Wouldn't call it a major problem though it could turn into one but wish these cases were a bit more interesting or complex, so far they've been neither. Perhaps because this is a serious drama that's also a bit lighthearted, be nice if they would go more in one of those directions.
 A murder was the crime to solve this time for Kyoko and one that should have been easy since the culprit's alibi was that he was with Kyoko when the murder took place. As we know though Kyoko's memory resets each day, unless she writes things down she can't recall what happened the previous days or for that matter years.
 The crime involved a very talented swimmer who was electrocuted in his bathtub as there was a hairdryer somehow in the tub. The suspect Kujirai was the person that found him, they had been old friends though had a falling out some years before. One other possible suspect could be Yakusuke who happened to be in the building on the day of the murder, looks like he may be a suspect in just about every future case.

 Kyoko had spent some time with Kujirai but it wasn't on the day of the murder, naturally she couldn't remember the date. Kujirai tried to convince Kyoko that they had been having tea at a cafe at the time of the murder, for most of the show she had believed him and his alibi was ironclad. Through a bit of investigation and one lucky photo that was posted on the cafe's blog it came out that the pair hadn't been together that day but were a few days before the crime.
 Now it's back to Kujirai as the prime suspect and he has no alibi for where he was at the time of death, it also came out that he was at the victim's apartment earlier in the day. Things were looking bleak for him which made him break down and confess to murdering the swimmer. To the rescue though comes Kyoko who said there was no murder, instead it was a suicide.
 Through an ingenious method the swimmer had put a hairdryer in his tub before it was filled with water, he slowly had the tub filled and eventually it led to his electrocution. Kyoko had discovered a bit about his past, though a very talented swimmer he had been involved in a scandal and was really hated by all around him. Looked like the pressure of everything finally got to him which made him take his life, luckily for Kujirai Kyoko was able to solve the real mystery of the death, she spared him a life behind bars.

 For the most part the case ended there, actually was finally able to do a recap in two paragraphs which I've been wanting to do for a while. Much more did happen but don't want to spoil the whole story for you if you're planning on watching it, like I said not a must watch series yet but it's really been enjoyable.
 Do hope the cases start to get a bit more interesting but what made this episode a bit better was we saw more of the other major characters, mainly the one ones who work in the cafe called Sandglass. Not too much info came out either on Kyoko's past and why her memory resets every day though she did mention there are certain things from many years ago she can recall, sure in future episodes more details of her past will be coming out. Though a short recap the next post has many, many more screenshots from the this episode so perhaps you can follow the story better by viewing them.

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