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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Yui Aragaki: "Okitegami Kyoko no Biboroku" episode three recap and screenshots

 Start Date: October 10, 2015 Episode three rating: 10.9% Director: Toya Sato

Main Cast:

Yui Aragaki as Kyoko Okitegami
Masaki Okada as Yakusuke Kakushidate
Mitsuhiro Oikawa as Horo Kizunai
Arioka Daiki as Nuru Narikawa
Rio Uchida as Makuru Makuma

 This drama hasn't really gotten better bit on the other hasn't gotten worse either through it's three episodes. That's fine if it stays that way, been a while since I've seen a series that's been enjoyable without too much fluff so will say that it's succeeding on both counts. Did think it was going to get better though and that's because I thought it was going to become a more serious drama which hasn't happened nor can I see it happening. It is a serious show but done in a bit of a lighthearted way, as long as it stays as enjoyable as it's been doesn't really matter what genre it is.
 It appears every episode will be following a formula or least it has so far which is that somehow Yakusuke gets blamed or charged with a crime and it's up to Kyoko to save the day for him. Don't know where he gets his money as Kyoko charges him for solving the crime plus every episode he gets fired from a job, best not to wonder why in these kinds of shows.

 This tome around Yakusuke has a job as a security officer at the Museum of Fine Art, his responsibility is to watch over the paintings. One day at his job Kyoko visits the museum and naturally doesn't remember him but she's interested in one painting called 'Mother Earth'. She visits again on the second day and says the painting is worth 200 million yen but coming back for a third day in a row she now values the painting at 2 million yen. Yakusuke has no idea why she values it at such a lower price now but that ends up being a big part of the mystery.
 Shortly after that an older man visits the museum and is also interested in the same painting but when Yakusuke approaches him and asks why he seems to enjoy it the man suddenly erupts in anger. It appears as though the man we'll call Sensei wants to damage the painting, Yakusuke tries to grab him and stop him from getting close to the painting but to no avail. It appeared to be unintentional at first but as the Sensei broke away from Yakusuke his cane went through the painting creating a hole in it. After that the Sensei probably thought that the damage was already done so continued poking small holes in the painting before he fleeing. It's a bit of a double mystery as no one knew who the Sensei was nor did they know why he damaged the painting as he wasn't it's painter.

 Now it's time for Kyoko to solve the mysteries as once again Yakusuke was fired from his job, the museum has also terminated the contracts for all the guards. And yet again Yakusuke has hired Kyoko to solve the crime and to perhaps also get his job back, she has solved all the crimes to date but as yet has been unable to ever get his job back.
 Naturally Kyoko can't remember the painting as her memory gets reset each day but Yakusuke was able to fill her in on the details of her visits. The major detail was why had she originally valued the painting at 200 million yen but in her following visit dropped the value to 2 million? It was a detail most everyone would have missed but not Kyoko, most thought she changed the value because the painting had been switched and a forgery was put in it's place. That wasn't the case, it was that the frame of the painting that had been changed, the original was a work of art while this new one was a very inferior frame.
 This is where the Sensei comes in as he was the one who created the frame and when he saw it wasn't around the 'Mother Earth' painting he went a bit berserk. What had happened was the the museum's director had ordered the wrong size frame for a new masterpiece that was about to be unveiled, he needed something magnificent and switched frames thinking no one would notice. And no one did except for the Kyoko, Sensei and a young student of his who alerted him of the switch.

 To make a short story shorter the case was now solved, seems as though the director also had a few other underhanded things going on at the museum and his days are now numbered. Finally looks like Yakusuke can have his job back too as the Sensei has some pull with the museum and will get all the guards rehired. However Yakusuke turns the offer down, he felt had he done his job properly in the first place then the painting wouldn't have been damaged. Looks like Kyoko now sees him in a different light, while he's had a crush on her since episode one the feelings haven't been returned. Of course they can't be returned as Kyoko always forgets who he by the next day.
 This episode will segue into the next show as at the end Yakusuke gets an urgent call from the Sensei. Seems he has a major problem, can he and Kyoko rush to his studio immediately to solve a mystery which as of now if an unknown one.
 Another solid if unspectacular episode, bit predictable at times but least perhaps for the next show it won't be as much as Yakusuke hasn't been fired from a job, least not yet. Nothing new came out either about Kyoko's condition, we still don't know what happened to her memory and why it resets when she falls asleep. Sure that and a few other lingering questions will be coming out eventually as there's still a long way to go in this series, would think at least seven more episodes. As is the norm around here took quite a few screenshots from this show and you can view them in the next post.


  1. Thank you so much for your work, I just love your Kyouko's reviews.
    One question, if I'm allowed: When are you going to publish the screenshots without subtitles? (just like the episode 01 and 02)

  2. Could do a post without the screenshots having subs, just didn't know if others would also want them seeing as how a day or two later would have another post of screenshots. Will make a comment on that for the recap of episode 4, really wouldn't take much more time do to an extra post without subs.
