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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Haru: "ON" drama episode six recap and screenshots

 Air Dates: July 12 to September 6, 2016 Tuesdays at 10:00 pm on Fuji-TV, rating: 7.98%

 This drama also goes by the name "On: Special Agent Hinako Todo"

Main Cast:

Haru as Hinako Todo, rookie detective
Yu Yokoyama as Yasuhisa Shoji, senior detective
Atsuro Watabe as Iwao Atsuta, department's supervisor
Jun Kaname as Keiichiro Kurashima, detective
Kento Hayashi as Tamotsu Nakajima, doctor
Mieko Harada as Taeko Ishigami, medical examiner
Tsutomu Takahashi as Keizo Kataoka, detective
Saku Momose as Ryoshin Shimizu, detective
Ryo Sato as Maki Tsukioka, traffic officer
Shiji Saito as Takeshi Miki, investigator

  Did say yesterday that for the last four episodes would be doing two recaps in a row. Decided against that just in case I don't watch the seventh episode tomorrow plus it takes a long time writing up two full length recaps at once. Do have one fan out there who is also watching this series at the moment but for the most part seems most viewers aren't interested in this drama, perhaps due the lack of really popular stars?
 Had read this series gets much darker in the last 4-5 episodes, so far that hasn't been the case. At the end of the fifth show Nakajima had been arrested for murder, he didn't actually do the action but had a killer under his spell who committed suicide. That was the killer of Nakajima's boss at the clinic Hayasaka, the two of them had secretly been developing plans to cure the evil minds of criminals.
 So far the plan had worked to some extent but the ending results were disastrous as five of their subjects had gotten a brain tumor and had committed suicide. At his trial Nakajima wasn't prosecuted as his plans were a bit far fetched and no one could actually believe you could plant a brain tumor into someone. Nakajima wasn't entirely innocent though as instead of jail he's been sent to a facility named SNRC where suspects who the system doesn't know what to do with are sent.

 That brings us up to date with Nakajima but there is one other thing which is Hinako's chief still wants him to work on their cases, he did help solve two of them as he is an expert profiler. On to the cases for this episode and should say murders as in every show that's what the cases are.
 At Nerima park there was a man murdered, his body was half buried in the ground. What made it gruesome was that he had been literally filled to the gills with 100 yen coins! There was no one thing which killed him, could have been his stomach or heart exploding along with choking on the coins or some other way ten thousand coins(!) in your body could kill you.
 What I've liked about this series is that there's been no magical way of solving the crimes. When the team had no clues about the murdered man the chief just told them do go and solve it the old fashioned way which is by foot. The team of detectives did as told but with no results but before too long the unthinkable had happened which was that there was a second murder by the same method and this time it was a woman.

 The woman wasn't killed at the same park but under a nearby bridge. The method was the same though as she had 100 yen coins stuffed into her mouth, the medical examiner estimated that there was a million yen in the two victim's bodies which would be ten thousand coins. There was one clue which was of no help, among the coins was one that had come from an arcade.
 What baffled the ream was where could someone get so many coins and how is it possible to put them into a body? Hinako deduces that it's a machine somewhat like they feed birds, chickens or other animals with, it ended up she was correct. Unknown to her or her boss Atsuta the pair had met the murderers though it was group of people one would never suspect of doing such a crime.
 Hinako had been a bit down and off kilter since the arrest of Nakajima so Atsuta had accompanied her on the investigation. On their rounds they helped an older man who had fallen down and sprained his ankle in front of an arcade as they brought him to his residence. It was an old building the five residents dubbed '18', something to do with them being in that carefree state 18 year olds are in.

 The five residents, two women and three men, had no families and were a bit low on finances so they are living as one 'communal family' which is how they referred to themselves. All of them are in their seventies but surprisingly in good health, possibly good enough to commit crimes.
 The coin murders haven't come to an end as one more happened, the victim this time was a somewhat well known Yakuza boss. He was killed shortly after visiting his daughter and granddaughter with the killing done the same way as he was stuffed head to toe with coins. There was a clue this time as the coins had fingerprints on them whereas the others hadn't.
 The clues to the killings were rapidly coming in as the park where the first victim was found used to be a laboratory owned by a man named Inatomi. That happens to be the name of the man Hinako and her boss had helped that day, seems impossible to think he could be guilty of any killings. More clues came out as the first two victims had ties to the five elders living together. There was so much evidence that Hinako took it upon herself to go to their place and perhaps arrest them.

 Didn't take any convincing from Hinako to make them talk as they were prepared for the police to come as they had set up the clues and for their trail to be discovered. They had wanted to be arrested to stop them from doing more killings, the question was why had they committed the murders.
 They all had ties to the first two victims who had been able to swindle their houses from them. Those two were associated with Urasawa who was the Yakuza boss and the third victim. He also had other dealings with the group of five elderly people, the three victims had led them to a life of poverty. The group worked together on the murders and was beginning to enjoy them too much, hence their request to be arrested.
 Which is what happened as they put up no struggle and seemed to be happy as they were led away to prison. To me it would have worked out better if the group of killers had been different people, no action or suspense in the ending with them wanting to be arrested. Nakajima did help out slightly with the case though not too much as the detectives would have found them eventually as they wanted to be caught. In the final moments Hinako visits Nakajima at the SNRC facility, it's the first time she's seen him since his confinement. Hinako confides in him that she's worried about her mind 'switching' as she realizes anyone can be a murderer, will she soon become one?

 All in all another fine episode though think the first four were much more intense than the last two though the fifth episode did have quite a suspenseful ending. Three more episodes to go, hasn't been a must watch but it's the best Japanese drama I've seen in at least a year or at least a regular prime time series. Said it in the last recap which is that it's hard to go wrong with police dramas and don't recall ever seeing one that I couldn't finish.
 Finishing is something I haven't been able to do with the three prior J-dramas from this year, can't believe how boring they've become. There are two starting up this month which seem promising and have a feeling those will be able to finished. Hopefully will be back tomorrow to recap episode seven and here's plenty more screenshots from this show.

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