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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Marie Iitoyo: Once again she may have the honor for the final post of a month....


 Think this will be the fifth time she's ended a month off and would have been six if I didn't squeeze one in real late for August. Know there's one day left in this month but often take the final day off which is in the plans again. Bu there may be a final post part B as I'm working on one but it's up in the air if it'll be finished today. Things were successful if the next post is from a Hina member, if not then will have it on Thursday.(success!)

 Marie to me has moved back into the #1 spot for this year's faves list, seems as though it's just going to be a two person battle as the former number one has faded a bit. This is Marie's 20th post in this vein for 2020 plus she's had eight for dramas or a total of 28 in all. Last year she had 29 which I'm fairly sure is a record for actresses and she's about to surpass that easily as there's a few more months to go in the year. Kind of amazing how steady Marie has been all year, somehow each post has at least thirty new pics for happenings and today's total may be over forty which is shocking as her last post was just a week ago. Plus have many a good amount of older pics which have never been posted before so once again it should be a terrific post for her small yet faithful fan base.

 Let's get right to things so I'll have time to attempt that next post. Marie's agency is AVEX whose main clients are musical performers. But they do have a small cache of actresses led by you-know-who and these are some older pics from their home page for her.

 "I Had a dream of that Girl" is a TV movie series starting this Saturday and will run for ten weeks. Few of my faves will be starring in those movies which I hope are available, of course it's brought up because Marie will be one of the featured stars and her movie will air on October 24th.

 Plus she'll have the lead role in a drama beginning on November 6th and more details once we get closer to the date. Have done so many posts lately haven't been giving sites a chance to add new pics so these are the only new modeling ones which are from Oggi.

 Marie is now a new model for Champion, these pics just came out in the last week.

 Marie is also an exclusive model for the More magazine, no new pics at their site but do have a small set from their November issue.

 Glad there were enough other new pics for a post for I really wanted to share this next batch. My only minor beef about Marie is how conservative she's become, it's not a bad thing but when you're as young and alluring as she is be nice if she on occasion could 'vamp' it up. She didn't for this set but if all spreads were like his I'd be one happy human as this is Marie's top one of the year and at the back of my mind am hoping this will lead up to the announcement of as second photobook. She's the cover girl for this ultra perfect spread from the October 9th edition of Friday, wowowowowowowow....

 Hope that means some events may be happening in the future too as I really miss seeing her at them. Usually in these posts, since there's been no event appearances, have been including older ones but always from a fashion show. So for the next few posts will have some regular event pics and this batch here are from one that took place on March 5, 2019. Did do a post for it back them but have many pics that weren't included. The event was for 'Fodex Japan' which is a gourmet company and for the second year in a row Marie won their award for promoting food and that may be because she used to attend so many events with a 'food theme'. No award was won this year and perhaps it's because they had to cancel the ceremony but still think she's an ambassador for them. Plenty of superb pics from the event followed by a video of it, next post will have some pics from the 2018 show.

Hinatazaka46: The semi-heavenly 'Kyoko Saito post' #8.....


 Mentioned in the above post was working hard to do this one and it's a nice pair to end the month off with. Kyoko celebrated her 23rd birthday three weeks ago but as you'll see in these new pics Kyoko somehow looks even younger these days. What's a bit odd to me is that she's exactly four months older than the above ultimate fave who looks a few years older than Kyoko. You've seen that top pic a few times and that's because it's one of my all top ones, brings up the question once again why hasn't she or any other Hina member had a solo photobook?

 Speaking of Hina will be trying to do a group post this weekend, they truly should have so many more than they've had and can't give a good reason why I don't do more. They released their second album last week which I'm sure topped the charts but the sales figures aren't out yet but know it sold well over a 100,000 copies it's first day. I do enjoy their music but kind of wish there was a little more rock to it or a bit upbeat like Nogi's older songs. Hina kind of reminds me of HKT, all of their songs are enjoyable yet none really stand out from any other.

 Plenty of Kyoko things to get to today and she just had a solo post last month. She's qualified for the yearly faves list and has a good shot at finishing in the top fifteen, that may sound a bit low but it's still an impressive position. One thing Hina does better than Nogi or Keya is post many blog pics, often those kind of pics are a bit lame but not from them.

 Kyoko does the best job of any member uploading pics and you'll notice a few were from her September 5th birthday, here's some older cards for the occasion.

 It appears Hina finally has their own group cards but don't think they're a tie-in with any game.

 Kyoko has been an exclusive model for the ar mag for a while now but hasn't had any spreads their last few issues. Nor any pics at the mag's site but do have some new ones from their Twitter page and these are actually oki-doki.

 As mentioned on September 5th Kyoko turned 23, also on that day she appeared at the 'Tokyo Girls Collection show with about seven other Hina members. They always have more members than Nogi or Keya, one requirement is to be a model for a mag and they have more than any of those two groups? Few terrific pics from her solo stroll on the catwalk.

 Kyoko also took a stroll to promote the group's DASADA clothing line, that was the title of their Spring drama but preferred their "Re:Mind" show so much more.

 In about three weeks will be finishing up a pair of Korean dramas and would like to take a bit of a break from any kind of dramas. My mini goal is to watch a few more '46' variety shows and especially the ones from Hina, have quite a backlog to get through but am looking forward to it. One thing that revived my interest a bit was viewing the January special 'Sakimichi-TV' show again which was a fun watch even without subs and has there ever been such a supreme trio on a variety show? The answer is no and while it was enjoyable watching them cook dinner had to admit Kyoko is totally useless in the kitchen though I could live with us eating takeout food every night....

 'Uni's on Air' is a Smartphone game that features members from Hina and Keya. The groups just celebrated their first anniversary with the game and fabulous new pics marked the occasion.

 This turned out to be an extremely majestic post and have noticed most solo ones for J-Pop Idol do turn out that way. Last November Kyoko was the cover girl for Platinum Flash, now a year later she has the honor once again with this fairly huge spread and the bottom ones are from the photo shoot. There's a few new CM's which are mainly group ones which will be in the next Hina post. So instead of a video have the link to their YT page called 'Hina46-TV which has an immense collection of things and it's worth checking out: Hina's YT channel