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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, September 3, 2018

Nao Kanzaki: Nao's 'Top Twenty of All Time Faves' list.... #11!!!!

 Think this may be one of the top posts for the series, not just for the list but perhaps one of the better ones I've done in a while. At first placed Misa in the ninth position, but after some reflecting realized there was no way the original eleventh position person should be there as she deserved to be in the top ten so switched their spots. Actually the one in ninth may move up to eighth, the top seven are all set but the next four were a bit more difficult to seed.
 Being in the eleventh spot is quite an honor though, means only ten gals in the whole of Japan topped her. May be hard to believe but Misa is the highest rated current Idol on the list, there's a few in the top ten who once were Idols but no longer are. Had I made this a 'woman you want to marry' list then Misa just may have topped it or come awful close. She really has it together and is such a smart woman, if she didn't become an Idol she said either being an accountant or bookkeeper would have been her future job.
 She did help write a book two years ago about bookkeeping, wonder if being an office worker is something she'll be doing when she's in her forties? Misa is also a superb cook, remember watching a 'Bingo' episode where she was on a team called 'M', the trio's first names all began with the letter. She shocked everyone with her culinary skills, so many Idols seem to be so empty upstairs but this is one person you can't say that about. At the top of the post are two breathtaking pics which may be my two faves from her, also there's a newish CM that came out in July for Wave Corporation.

 Misa is a first generation Nogi member, she'll be turning 26 in January. Bit surprised we haven't seen more of the older members graduate, there's been a few recent ones but most have been younger gals. Still think it's a mistake to leave a group unless you have something better to fall back on and it's rarely been the case where that happens.
 Have a lot of so many things today, some are older but there ended up being so many newer things than I expected. Misa at one time used to host a pair of radio shows, she's now down to one that airs on Saturdays which is called 'Juggler', pics here are from a pair of August shows.

 Never as many cards as a few other members but have a few from July which are followed by some new ones for the 'Nogi Koi' app game.

 Misa's long time goal was to be a popular Idol and think she's accomplished that feat. Before Nogi she was in the short lived group CHIMO which consisted of gals from her hometown of Oita. She also was the first member to have a photobook which was released before Nogi was officially a group, few pics from it here and she's definitely changed a bit in seven years. There was also another huge collection for Sabra, few of those pics are included here.

 Four members of Nogi have a new CM out now for Ai Pet Insurance, name of the campaign is 'Dog, Cat and Nogizaka46' and these are some promo pics for the campaign. Won't have the videos today but will have at least one in the next group post.

 Have to love someone who enjoys Nao's favorite pastime....

 Misa is an exclusive model for the Bijin Hyakka mag, she'll be representing them at two fashion shows coming up. The first will be the 'Girls Awards' show which takes place in two weekends, after that on October 6th she'll be in attendance at the 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show.

 Even more oldie pics, these are from two sets for Natalie's 'Power Push' series that came out in 2013.

 Leaving a few newer things out as I'd like to have another huge Misa solo post very soon. One thing that is being saved is her appearance in the October issue of Bubka, these are pics from the photo shoot and not sure if your hearts could have taken many more pics like these....

 On to a pair of mag spreads, mentioned she's an exclusive model for Bijin Hyakka and she has the cover for their September edition.

 This next huge set is from the September issue of UTB. Posted the spread about a month ago but it's one of the top sets for this year so thought it deserved an encore viewing.

 Misa is just such a knockout to me, know there are many others who may be a bit more voluptuous but very few if any can touch her sultriness. Will end off with some beyond scintillating pics and not sure what the reason is but have more pics of her on my computer than anyone else. After these examples of perfection check out a real oldie video for 'Miss Magazine' from 2011 when Misa was eighteen and it was just prior to her joining Nogi.


  1. 20
    Mizuho Habu
    Was contemplating whether I should put her here or not because she’s quite new but figured I’d place her low on the list instead but really there’s not much of a difference like your one with #15 to #100. It was really a battle between her and Yui.I as she's got her PB coming out and 2 shots have been shown which has got me heating up. The mag spreads released this year for Mizuho have been great like ‘Idol and Read’, ‘HaaaAAAAAAAAAn Zero’, the ones from ‘JJ’ and then you got the little ones that come out here and there. She doesn’t have a dynamite body but she does look really pretty and hope she keeps getting the conservative looks because that’s where she shines, sorta reminds me of who I placed in #1.
    A 3 pic JJ page:

    Park Choa
    This short blonde-haired devil really takes the cookie outta the cookie jar here as she is one hell of a jaw dropper. She was a member of kpop group ‘AOA’ which I’d say is one of the most sexiest groups around as all members are top class but this one!! This one m8 took my soul. Don’t think there was really any mags out there with her which is a crime! First degree murder right there.
    AOA – Heart Attack (Choa ver.) + AOA - Short Hair:

    Reika Sakurai
    She doesn’t get much of a chance to flaunt her attractiveness around or even her singing which sucks because she really is up there IMO. Much preferred her long hair over the somewhat short like one but meh, as long as she gets mags then it’s all good……which she’s not getting!!!

    Yuki Kashiwagi
    Not much to say as you’ve probably said it all on here but one thing I'll say is my fave pairing in the 48 groups has to be Yuki with Rena Matsui.

    Yui Aragaki
    Same with her. I was going to drop her with our little chat before but we’re talking about ‘all time’ here so had to put her somewhere because she has been in a lot of shows that I like for example, ‘Legal High’ ‘My Boss, My Hero’ ‘Papa to Musume’ and couple others. Her music too was pretty good with "Heart will drive" being my fave: (skip to 14:30)

    Sera Ryu
    Was a member of kpop group ‘Nine Muses’ and my god is she pretty but she’s gone solo kinda, it’s more like she’s not on TV anymore and more on YT coz she has a channel on it and uploads kinda frequently. All of the members were jaw droppers but Sera is where I place my cards. Not much to add here as there wasn’t really any pics out there of her so really the place was performances and music videos but her smile brings summer back.
    Nine muses – Dolls fancam:

  2. 14
    A singer/rapper. Started from ‘mememe’ with the cool music video then just flowed on to her other music. Now she’s real cute first off, she gives off a tsundere vibe but I dig her tunes a lot. No mags(I think) from her so really all ya got is YT and google.
    1st & 2nd album digest:

    Han Ji Min
    Couldn't help it, had to put her on. Was a fool to think that she wouldn't be on the list. 'The Age of Shadows' 'Detective K' 'Cain and Abel' 'Padam Padam' 'Rooftop Prince'. All good watches, the dramas are if you can power through the little drop of the dragging. She pretty much aces the different roles from what I've seen like you got the thrills from 'The Age of Shadows' then got her seductiveness with 'Detective K' and her romcom with 'Rooftop Prince' and it fits. I'd say she's pretty busy for this year with 2 movies and a drama with the drama looking like something I'd watch:

    Han Hyo Joo
    Now…being more of a movie guy, I thought I’ve seen a lot of movies she’s been in but while I was looking at the list I found out that I’ve only seen…3 movies!! which is not enough in my book but there’s not really one that I would watch as I kinda want something that packs a punch. However, there are two movies I’m quite looking forward to see which are Korea’s take on ‘Golden Slumber’ and ‘The Wolf Brigade’ which were both good Japanese movies.

    Haruka Ayase
    Think the posts you’ve made for her are enough. Good dramas, good movies, a sight that gets that heart rate going, a very fine lady.

    Went past word limit, had to split it

  3. At this rate we'll have zero matches, good because that means less competition for me....
    Knew 16 and 17 would be there but no one else, if Suzy doesn't get married at an early age she's the Korean gal who could top my list in a few years.

  4. Less competition here as well...We have absolutely zero matches here and that's because I've barely seen anything(other than pics) that your faves have been in like #12, #13, #14 and probably your top 10 too compared to mine. Maybe just one or two dramas but that's it. The links are supposed to back up my case and hope it brings them onto some ppls radar. Got 4 j-actresses in top 10, wonder if you can figure out 2 of them...
