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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Tsumugi Hashimoto: Her second cold shower inducing intro post!!!!


 Tsumugi's first ever post was done four days ago, was going to wait on this one for a few more days. But you viewers have an eye for hotter than hot gals as that post has already become very popular so why not do this now?! In that post talked about how Tsumugi just may be the last woman that gets introduced here, may be tough to keep that goal but will be trying. First noticed her back in March and did she make my eyes spin out of control so said to myself there's no way I can not do posts for her and bet many viewers will be glad of that! In a way you could consider this to be a mini post as there's only three sections to it but they add up to be about seventy pics and will end off with Tsumugi's first ever digital photobook. As mentioned in her first post birthday #23 took place on May 20th.

 Tsumugi is in the J-Pop Idol group Mir:Mir though it's spelled with the first Mir being backwards. The group is based out of Osaka and they do so many concerts down in that area and their popularity seems to be rising. Tsumugi doesn't have an IG page though does post many photos at her Twitter page. This batch here are from that page and are of Tsugumi dressed in her Mir uniform which as you can see is green, bottom two are group pics.

 After today still have one more digital book of Tsumugi's which will be her next post. Also have three mini magazine spreads so will have those along with some of her Twitter pics, whatever else I can find and some info about the Mir group for her fourth post. This is an odd set of pics though they all look terrific. They're from the 2218 B Journal site and thought the pics would be for an interview. They weren't as the site just had this mini Tsumugi pictorial and at least she does look overly kawaii.

 Now on to the final set of pics which is her first digital book that was released on March 16th by the Young Jump magazine and has 44 ultra sweltering pics!!!! Viewing this was the first time I had ever seen Tsumugi and to say my jaw dropped five feet would be an understatement, WOW! So had held on to this for five months as I was waiting for a few other things so I could have at least four intro posts. Every pic is so super duper but those first ten make the word Perfect obsolete, WOW again! After the pics is a video from the photo shoot, it appears Tsumugi could be my next huge fave, whew.... EDIT: Her fourth digital book will be coming out on August 30th!

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