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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Nogizaka46: The Nanami Hashimoto post #43- Girls Locks! radio show pics

 Today's pics won't be as scintillating as these....

 .... but how many in the history of the world are? Obviously not many as I had to get permission to use them from the 'Photography Hall of Fame'. Seems Nanami is the first person to have their own special wing at the hall, heard it's so busy they're adding a whole floor for just Nanami photos.
 Perhaps these Nanami pics aren't as breathtaking but they're still quite superb as she's the host of this week's 'Girls Locks!' show, you can read what she said on this week's show along with all the other shows she's hosted by visiting their site, just copy this to your browser: www.tfm.co.jp/lock/girls/
 You'll notice the drawings at the bottom which are ones Nanami did drew during Monday's show. She did go to college to study spacial and interior design at Musashiro Art Univeristy in Tokyo but think the success of Nogi had a big decision on her decision to forego her studies. Though Nanami has artistic talents she didn't show them too often on the 'Bingo' or 'Doko' shows where she was often laughed at for her drawings, actually Nanase seems the best artist by far in the group. Perhaps it's just me again but doesn't she look quite a bit like E.T. in that first pic?

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