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Friday, August 5, 2016

Akari Suda: An extremely way overdue post for her....

 Off the main topic for a bit but what J-Pop group do you think has the best looking members? Kind of obvious to you viewers as Nogi certainly would get my vote, when you have 35 members it's much easier to have so many more attractive gals compared to C-ute who only have five members. In second place for me would be SKE, so many of them fly under the radar but they really have many head turners in the group. One thing I truly like about them too is that many of them are a bit older, most of the key members are between 22 to 25 years old.
 Akari will be turning 25 in two months, she honestly has made my head turn all the way around many times. Can't understand why it's so difficult finding things to post about her, had two of them back in 2014 but none since then. Though it's difficult finding postable things for her will make a much better effort in the future locating anything for this extreme cutie.
 Akari is quite popular which makes it confusing why she doesn't appear in many mags or at more group/promo events. In the last AKB Senbatsu election held in June she finished seventh in the voting, that's quite impressive as she had the #18 position the previous year. Have a few jaw-dropping assorted pics to start off, sort of like an appetizer.

 May not be that long of a post as I've said it's difficult locating things for her but once I've done a post for someone it's like 'breaking the ice' and future posts tend to come easier. in the above pics Akari has long hair and had that style for a long time. Recently she's cut her tresses, think I may prefer her longer hair but still looks beyond A-OK to me. Sporting the shorter locks in this first spread which is from the August issue of BLT.

 Another August issue and Akari truly looks too alluring to believe, this set of out of the world pics are from UTB.

 And yet again another August issue, sharing this Bomb spread with her SKE mate Sarina Souda who may not look it but is 23 years old. Don't know much about Sarina but she did finish #30 in the last election so she must be a bit popular, may need to do some investigating on her.

 Will just have those three mag spreads for now, like I've said there aren't many new things so need to space them out a bit as I would like to have another post this weekend. SKE's next single "Kin no Ai, Gin no Ai" is coming out on August 17th so let's keep our fingers crossed that we'll see more of Akari because of that, ending off with a few more tremendous pics.

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