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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

C-ute: 'C-Fes 2016' pics, video and more....

 Good thing about C-ute is that unlike the Nogi members don't have to worry about keeping the shower curtains closed.... whoa on that thought! Looks like someone has taken to their bad habits of peeking, as long as she didn't see too much(not that there is)....

.... actually viewing a few of Saki's videos have made my heart also go 'flutter, flutter'! Before the concert pics there is one new small mag spread from the September issue of Top Yell.

 The amount of C-ute posts here has risen much more than I thought, didn't think a hundred posts were hit yet but checking it's almost at 125 posts. Granted that's not nearly as many as Nogi but when there's only five members in a group to post about that's a fairly respectable number.
 This mini fest has been going on for a few years though don't know how many but sadly this will be the final year of the 'C-Fes' festival. It's held at Budokan and most of the other H!P groups also perform shows which are regular length concerts. Those groups also join C-ute for a few songs as they'll sing each other's popular tunes. These are promo pics for the shows and you'll notice four of the members come from Saitama where they'll be holding their final concert(s) next June.

 Their show yesterday had to be one of C-ute's longest concerts ever as they performed close to 40 songs though a few of them were in medleys. They ended off with "Kiss Me Aishiteru" which should have been a much bigger hit but think it's become their signature tune. If you haven;t checked out the 'C-ute singles series' posts that was the last song done for that series.

 Pics here are from the concert on September 5th, been a while since a C-ute concert DVD has come out so hopefully this or one of their other fest shows will be released. After the pics is a must watch video of their performance, wish a few other J-Pop groups could sing as well live as they can.

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