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Friday, September 23, 2016

Yuu Kikkawa: "Shin Kanpai Senshi After V" series episode one recap and screenshots

 Air Dates: October 3 to December 19, 2015 on After TV

 Never heard of 'After TV' but checked out the show's site twice and that's where I ended up. Unsure if this is the second season of this series, from what I gather it may be but that first series may have been a serious show while this is a parody of the Sentai heroes. Put Yuu's name in the title as she's the only reason I'm watching this series. After two episodes there's really no main lead as all five 'heroes' share the spotlight. Here are those 'heroes', can't think of a better word for them:

Yuu Kikkawa as Pink

 Ryouta Murai as Red, the group's leader

 Kazuki Kato as Blue

Buffalo Goro A as Yellow

Tsubasa Tobinhaga as Green

 Probably won't recap all twelve episodes but seeing as how these are going to be extremely short posts except for the screenshots along with the shows only being 22 minutes long just may do a post for every episode. It is true about the screenshots, if it wasn't for them then would be able to recap 3-4 shows in a post.
 If you enjoy parodies and spoofs then this series may be one for you as it is a parody of most Sentai series. They're all identified by colors as most of the characters are in Sentai shows. The title is a bit of a play with words as the heroes hit the bars at 5:00 pm and enjoy their favorite activity of drinking throughout the night. Drinking is definitely the main plot so far for this show as every scene with the heroes takes place in a bar.

 At one time the team was known as 'The Golden Soldiers Treasure V', know they've acquired the nickname of 'Cheers Soldiers', another play on the title. The team was so successful they almost put themselves out of work a year before this series started as they came close to bankrupting(?) their main enemy 'The Evil Organization'. Think their name is different but so far that's what their commander has been calling them.
 Thanks to our heroes their enemies were able to stay together, if they went bankrupt then their team would no longer be needed and they'd be out of a job. A year ago they had given the commander their valuable gems to help the organization stay afloat, it worked but they have no idea what's become of their enemy.
 Hard to believe they don't know as the commander and a henchman of his have bought the watering hole where the team drinks. That's part of the commander's plot to rule the Earth, he wants to open a chain of 'Evil Dens' throughout the world and so far has opened at least one in every major city with the first one opening in Nippori. What they plan to do is recruit new members at these pubs, so far it looks like that plan is working and it's a plan unknown to our five heroes and their bosses.

 The team had been based in Tokyo but this series takes place in Fukuoka, the team does miss Tokyo and often order food that reminds them of home. But the food takes a backseat to their ultimate pastime which is drinking, drinking and even more drinking. Four of the members can handle it quite well except for Green who passes out after just a few beers. And beers are their drink of choice, they're not a group that enjoys the finer alcohol beverages.
 One other place they frequent is a karaoke bar, all go there to sing except so far Yuu hasn't and it figures as she's the only singer on the team. As mentioned these will be short recaps and lived up to my word for a change as that's it for the recap.
 No fight scenes with any monsters in this show nor were there any in the second episode, the recap for that is the next post. This is the kind of show you have to go in expecting very little but to be honest every now and again an inane show like this is a nice change of pace. Was reading there may be another season of this soon as they held a fundraising event for another season and they were able to reach that goal. Never heard of a TV series doing that before but if they air another season guess you could say it worked as I'm sure a show like this didn't draw high ratings nor got a lot of sponsor money. Though not too much happened did take quite a few screenshots which is the norm for me.

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