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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Saturday, August 5, 2017
Erika Toda: "Code Blue 3" drama episode one screenshots and mini recap
Slight change over the years naturally but for the most part the looks of the five main characters hasn't really changed that much in nine years. Does seem hard to believe it's been that long since the first season aired, very shocking that after a seven gap there was a third season. Through three episodes it's averaging 15.3% in the ratings, about the same as season one but a bit lower than the second season but that's not bad number these days.
For this series not going to do regular recaps like I've always done. Been finding out on longer shows like this I don't watch and enjoy them as much when I'm so busy taking screenshots and notes. So what the plan is for now is to do these mini recaps, just unsure at the time whether to have them only for Erika which I was slightly leaning to.
However seeing as how the other two are such huge faves of mine really need to do some posts for them so perhaps combining the two into one post will work out. Not going to make this long or too detailed, mainly about the exploits of Erika as Hiyama and her first name in the series is Mihoko but kind of prefer Hiyama much more.
Last two Erika posts were for two promo events for the series, one in June and July. Had been hoping to do at least one more post as I figured there would be many mag spreads or other things for the drama but there was quite little. However two days ago Erika appeared on the 'Marsar' show to promote the third season, there's a video of it on YT but bet it'll be taken down.
Of course my other two big faves in this drama are Gakky as Megumi and Manami as Sae. We saw very little of Sae in this first episode but looks like she's now a head nurse in the ER. And in a shocking development she's living with Doctor Fujikawa, those two were at odds so much in the beginning. At the very end we learn that Sae may be pregnant, she didn't come out and say it but Fujikawa found a doctor's note in her purse.
Sae has been at the Shohoku Hospital since she began her nursing career, also there for the last nine years has been Megumi. She's come a long way and actually all of the four intern doctors have. Megumi has recently been promoted to the leader of the ER. But that was because of the intern's mentor Mitsui taking an early retirement but by the end of the show it appears she won't be leaving so unsure how that will effect Megumi. She did start out very sluggish as the leader of ER but really came around by the end of this episode.
Megumi is also in charge of teaching the new doctors the ropes, so far none of them are impressive but so weren't these four when they first started their medical career. That is except for Aizawa who has moved on at the hospital and has a very promising career. He was in line to study at a prestigious university in Toronto but by the end of the show he had decided to return to being a Heli-doctor. Though these recaps will be somewhat short will keep everyone updated on anything major.
On to the major star(to me) and that's Hiyama. Of the main cast she's the only one who didn't stay at the Shohoku Hospital, she was studying up to be a pediatrics doctor. But at her apartment there was a fire, she came in with her elderly neighbor who was injured and before you knew it she was back helping the staff out. As you can see by the above screenshot Hiyama thought the ER had gone to pot and she was 100% right.
Hiyama and the ex-leader of the ER Mitsui were often at odds but she was the one who set up Hiyama to continue her training on pediatrics. She also pleaded with Hiyama to return as a Heli Doctor and for now Hiyama has said yes. One reason was that she had no place to live as her apartment burned down. She also had made a phone call and by the tone of it seemed as though she was living with someone but it was never mentioned again.
Hiyama had asked to Megumi if she could move in but she was turned down, the pair are friends but not what you would call close ones. Hiyama was barely back a day when she was sent to a festival which had an explosion with at least fifteen people injured. Always amazes me watching this show how many huge tragedies there are like this in Japan.
That's Hiyama telling Megumi to get Aizawa back on the ER staff, even doctors with twice his experience aren't as skilled as he is. Back to the festival and Hiyama did make a mistake at first. There was an overweight woman and Hiyama just thought she was fat and left her to a nurse. But the woman's bleeding wasn't because of an injury but instead it was because she was pregnant.
No other doctor noticed her possibly dangerous miscue and Hiyama was able to safely deliver the baby. That was really it for the action, the doctors returned to the hospital after another grueling day and they all seem to last well over ten hours.
Can't call them a happy family but all five are now reunited as Hiyama has agreed to return at being a flight doctor. After she told Megumi of her decision she relented and is now going to allow Hiyama to sleep on her couch, bet it may be for the whole season. With the two living together it'd be fun to see them hit a few nightspots, one of the best episodes in season two was when the interns went out drinking and Megumi really over did it.
Solid first episode though it may have been a bit too long at seventy minutes, few scenes seemed to drag. Usually a show is 46 minutes so there won't be any filler in any future episodes. Still ten episodes to go and there's some storylines already beginning such as Megumi now as an ER leader and Sae being pregnant.
Should be back in a few days with the second episode and it will probably be about Erika again though that's not written in stone. She does look quite good so far but wish she would start going more to her local all-you-can-eat buffet diner.
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