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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

"Kamen Rider Zero-One" series: Episode ten recap

 Air Dates: September 1, 2019 until ???? on TV-Asahi, Sundays at 9:00 am
There will probably be fifty episodes and the subs were done by Ignis/Over-Time subs

Main Characters:  First off Hiden Intelligence's personnel

Fumiya Takahashi as Aruto Hiden.... 22 year old lad who is a failure at being a comedian. Inherited the presidency of Hiden Intelligence when his grandfather died and can transform into the Zero-One hero

Noa Tsurushima as Izu.... HumaGear who is the presidential aide to Aruto Hiden.

Kazuya Kojima as Jun Fukuzoe.... VP of Hiden Technology who wanted to be president, Aruto's new enemy

Asumi Narita as Shesta..... HumaGear who is secretary to Fukuzoe

Arata Saeki as Sanzo Yamashita.... Senior managing director at Hiden

Tokuma Nishioka as Koronosuke Hiden.... Aruto's grandfather, died in episode one

Other main characters:

Hiroe Igeta as Yua Yaiba.... Technical advisor for A.I,M.S., also a leader of the field unit and is Kamen Rider Valkyrie

Ryutaro Okada as Isamu Fuwa.... Hotshot terrorist fighter for A.I.M.S. who works with Yua and is Kamen Rider Vulcan

Syuya Sunagawa as Horobi.... Leader of the MetsubouJinrai.net terrorist group, rogue HumaGear

Daisuke Nakagawa as Jin.... Hacker for MetsubouJinrai.net, a HumaGear

Ryunosuke Matsumura as 'Little Assassin'.... MetsubouJinrai.net assassin, a HumaGear


Hiden Intelligence- Company started by the elder Hiden to create A.I. HumaGears

A.I.M.S.- Artificial Intelligence Military Service, dedicated to destroying rouge HumaGears plus Maigas or anything to do with MetsubouJinrai.net

MetsubouJinrai.net- Cyper-terrorist group whose purpose is to hack into HumaGears and turn them rogue or more precisely, Maigas

HumaGear- A.I. Humanoids developed by the Hiden Company to serve mankind

Magias- Rogue HumaGears, turned evil due to the hacking of MetsubouJinrai.net

Trilobites- Inept creatures created by Magias to help them in their battles

Progrise Keys- Devices Kamen Riders use which have many different powers

ZEA- Hiden satellite which controls HumaGear and creates Progrise Keys

ZAIA Enterprises- Rival of Hiden Technology and still very unknown to viewers

 Usually don't give that much info to start things off but thought it may work out better this way. You'll have a handy-dandy guide to the characters and such, will be adding on to it when new things or persons are introduced. Plus it'll save me from repeating myself too often during a recap, though the heading may be long don't think these recaps will be as a show is just 23 minutes long.

                          Episode ten title: I Am The Actor, Shinya Owada

 Every show up until now has dealt with a nice HumaGear that Aruto has met turning rogue or into a Magia. The stories have always worked as the HumaGears have all been different plus the storylines are usually refreshing and interesting. Slightly different case for this show as a HumaGear Aruto has met remained uncorrupted. That HumaGear is above, his name is Matsuda and Hiden Technology has cast him as the first HumaGear in a TV movie. Seems though if things like that keep happening what's to become of the human race and Aruto hasn't thought that far ahead.
 Title of the movie is "Giri, The Dedicated Officer" with the Giri referring to Matsuda. But the main star of the movie is the esteemed older actor Shinya Owada who has a huge following. It's the first time he's ever worked with a HumaGear, in the beginning the shooting scenes went well as one asset Shinya said about HumaGears is that they never forget their lines. Hiden president Aruto along with his VP Furuzoe played a pair of non speaking extras on the project.
 Can't say their shooting went all that smoothly as Aruto blew the takes a few times. It wasn't really his fault as during the filming who should show to attack but the rogue HumaGears aka Magias from MetsubouJinrai.net and he had wanted to leap into the battle. There wasn't much need of Aruto's services as Kamen Rider Zero-One as Fuwa from the A.I.M.S. agency was on hand to watch the filming. Along with his trusty partner Yua the pair were once again able to repel Jin and Lil' Assassin and it's getting hard to believe that pair never win any of these skirmishes.
 But was unsure if they really did want to win this tiny battle and it appeared something else may have been up their sleeve. After the defeat Lil' Assassin hid in the background to watch Shinya do his filming as the actor has become a huge hero to Lil' Assassin. That's from watching so many of Shinya's older Samurai films and Lil' Assassin somehow believed all of it was real, then again he is a HumaGear/Magia. In fact the Magia was so enamored by Shinya he went up to the veteran actor after he had left the set and Lil' Assassin said he wanted the man to train him.

 At his age Shinya probably gets very few requests from young fans to help them out so that's what he did that evening with Lil' Assassin. He had studied Shinya's techniques in all of his older films which really impressed Shinya mightily and he gave as many tips as he could that night to Lil' Assassin, he even wanted him to become his protege. Shinya this whole time had thought Lil' Assassin was a regular human, Lil' Assassin had kept a bandana on the whole time to cover the fact he is a HumaGear as they have a special device around their ears.
 Shinya had confessed to Lil' Assassin that Matsuda wasn't working out well on the set and Shinya wished that he could be working with a 'normal human' like Lil' Assassin. The following day on the set Shinya finally had enough of working with Matsuda and complained to the director that the HumaGear should be replaced. The problems Shinya said was that HumaGears just don't have 'human traits' and act so stiffly plus they weren't able to ad-lib when Shinya had. The director pondered this over and did agree with the respected actor but with the filming halfway done what could they do?
 The director had no time to think of a solution to the problem as once again showing up on the set were the duo of Jin and Lil' Assassin from MetsubouJinrai.net. This time Aruto could transform into Zero-One and battle the evil Magias, he also had Fuwa as Kamen Rider Vulcan behind him plus joining them was Yua as Valkyrie. She once again was bested to an extent in a solo battle and don't think her arm has recovered form being sprained/broken(?) a few shows ago. But Fuwa seems to be getting used to his mega powers as he was able to help Valkyrie in her battle, then he was able to defeat rather easily the inept troop of Trilobites led by Jin. Aruto as Zero-One was also in the battle but he wasn't as big of a factor and his role in this episode was a bit diminished.

 Thought this was one of the more interesting episodes though not as much happened as we've hit the conclusion of the show. We never did learn what happened on the set of the TV movie, was Matsuda able to act a bit more humanly to finish the project with Shinya? Don't know but perhaps the result will come out in the next episode as this was a Hiden Technology production and it's the first time a HumaGear had acted in a TV movie.
 So when a recap is a bit shorter it's given me a bit of extra time to discuss something else in the storyline and one that still has many lingering questions to it. The focus briefly will be on the A.I.M.S. agent Yua who is also Kamen Rider Valkyrie. She's become the most interesting character in the show and also the most mysterious as we've just seen bits and pieces of what she may be doing for another organization. They're called ZAIA Enterprise and are a rival of Hiden Technology. Yua has visited their office a few times and their main boss who has remained hidden in the shadows has given her orders to carry out.
 Those orders aren't for the good of humanity and it has something to do with bringing down Hiden's president Aruto. This man has also given Yua a few secret new weapons to use in her battles which has raised the suspicions of her partner Fuwa. Yua had also captured Lil' Assassin four shows ago and had hacked into his system but for what purpose isn't known yet. Lil' Assassin had been programmed to kill Zero-One and that didn't change when Yua hacked into the Magia. This is a very mysterious sub plot to the series, we're learning a bit more with each episode but we're still very much in the dark on what the plans ZAIA Enterprises has for Yua. But that's also a good thing as it does keep us wondering where this story is going and remember there are forty shows to go.

 Now just one episode behind the subbing team as I've finally caught up and didn't think that would be happening. Once episode 12 gets subbed will have another pair of recap, say in about a week? Then after that will continue with two recaps at a time but they'll be every other week and have actually been enjoying this series so much am disappointed I'll only be able to watch one show a week. But do have three(!) other dramas to get to, for two of them the subs haven't been completed but they should be soon. So that means "Vagabond" may be on tap and haven't viewed a Korean drama for two months even though I do enjoy them more.

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