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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

"Kamen Rider Zero-One" series: Episode four recap

 Air Dates: September 1, 2019 until ???? on TV-Asahi, Sundays at 9:00 am
There will probably be fifty episodes and the subs were done by Ignis/Over-Time subs

Main Characters:  First off Hiden Intelligence's personnel

Fumiya Takahashi as Aruto Hiden.... 22 year old lad who is a failure at being a comedian. Inherited the presidency of Hiden Intelligence when his grandfather died and can transform into the Zero-One hero

Noa Tsurushima as Izu.... HumaGear who is the presidential aide to Aruto Hiden.

Kazuya Kojima as Jun Fukuzoe.... VP of Hiden Technology who wanted to be president, Aruto's new enemy

Asumi Narita as Shesta..... HumaGear who is secretary to Fukuzoe

Arata Saeki as Sanzo Yamashita.... Senior managing director at Hiden

Tokuma Nishioka as Koronosuke Hiden.... Aruto's grandfather, died in episode one

Other main characters:

Hiroe Igeta as Yua Yaiba.... Technical advisor for A.I,M.S., also a leader of the field unit and is Kamen Rider Valkyrie

Ryutaro Okada as Isamu Fuwa.... Hotshot terrorist fighter for A.I.M.S. who works with Yua and is Kamen Rider Vulcan

Syuya Sunagawa as Horobi.... Leader of the MetsubouJinrai.net terrorist group, rogue HumaGear

Daisuke Nakagawa as Jin.... Hacker for MetsubouJinrai.net

Ryunosuke Matsumura as 'Little Assassin'.... MetsubouJinrai.net assassin, a HumaGear


Hiden Intelligence- Company started by the elder Hiden to create A.I. HumaGears

A.I.M.S.- Artificial Intelligence Military Service, dedicated to destroying rouge HumaGears plus Maigas or anything to do with MetsubouJinrai.net

MetsubouJinrai.net- Cyper-terrorist group whose purpose is to hack into HumaGears and turn them rogue or more precisely, Maigas

HumaGear- A.I. Humanoids developed by the Hiden Company to serve mankind

Magias- Rogue HumaGears, turned evil due to the hacking of MetsubouJinrai.net

Trilobites- Inept creatures created by Magias to help them in their battles

Progrise Keys- Devices Kamen Riders use which have many different powers

 Usually don't give that much info to start things off but thought it may work out better this way. You'll have a handy-dandy guide to the characters and such, will be adding on to it when new things or persons are introduced. Plus it'll save me from repeating myself too often during a recap, though the heading may be long don't think these recaps will be as a show is just 23 minutes long.

                          Episode four title: The Bus Guide Saw It! That Truth!

 As the president of such a large and important company such as Hiden Technology Aruto doesn't spend too much time in the office or for the most part directing the company. But he is a hands on young man who really believes that HumaGears can make such a positive difference in the world and often checks on their progress. That you can see above as Aruto and his assistant Izu are on a trip to check on how well Anna is doing, she's a HumaGear who is bus guide. She really knows her history and bet most of that was programmed into her system.
 The tour visited the sacred grounds of Daybreak Town or at least close to it as these days it's forbidden to go there. Twelve years ago the town had been destroyed by a terrorist attack which many believe was caused by rogue HumaGears or Magias but the truth has never been fully discovered. Wasn't a long tour for the passengers as the driver of the bus was hacked into by Jin who is right above, he's one of two main men of the MetsubouJinrai.net group. They've been the evil doers as far as turning HumaGears into Magias go and Jin has been the main person doing the deeds.
 With the driver now a Magia it was up to Aruto to decide on whether to transform into Kamen Rider Zero-One to protect the group of bus passengers. He's made a vow to Izu to remain secretive about his identity and had kept his promise up until this show. But luckily there was no need to transform into a hero as arriving on the scene were the two A.I.M.S. agents Yua and Fuwa who also can become Kamen Riders with the names of Valkyrie and Vulcan. The pair did protect the group of people but the bus driver turned Magia was able to fly away and escape. There was one young boy about sixteen on the trip whose name was Go Sakurai and he'll play an important role in what's coming up.

 Go's father had been in Daybreak Town when the tragedy occurred and his classmates have hounded him for years saying his father was the cause of the attack. Go doesn't think so but can't prove it, the A.I.M.S agent Fuwa also knows that Go's father was an innocent man. Fuwa still blames rogue HumaGears for the attack on the town and it's eventual destruction. He too is forbidden from visiting the ruins but that won't stop him, not even his superior Yua can as she gave him a much stronger Progise Key to use, those devices have access to many superhero powers and weapons.
 Fuwa brought Go to the island and at first he had been accompanied by Aruto and his assistant HumaGear Izu. But the Magia bus driver showed up again and Aruto needed to stay behind to defeat the creature. That's what he did but in the process gave away his secret of being Kamen Rider Zero-One as Fuwa watched him transform. Fuwa along with Go and the bus guide Anna arrived on the island of Daybreak Town, they brought her as she knew so much history. But the main facility where Go's father worked is in shambles and how can they possibly gather any information?
 As a HumaGear Anna has many unique powers and she's able to read the memory chips of deceased HumaGears. She was about to do that to find out what happened on that fateful day but as she was scanning the memory Jin from MetsubouJinrai.net was able to transform her into a Magia, he had secretly followed the group to the island. Plus during this time Fuwa needed to turn into Kamen Rider Vulcan as a troop of Trilobites had arrived on the scene along with one huge monster. He was able to defeat them but only because Aruta had arrived on the scene to save the day as Zero-One.

 Don't talk that much about the fight scenes but do have plenty of screenshots of them though they're usually at the bottom. Naturally the Kamen Riders win every battle handily though at times it's a bit of a struggle and the monsters are getting more powerful with each episode. Back to Daybreak Town where Anna has now been turned into a Magia but at least she was able to get into a memory module before that happened. The module should be able to show what events took place that day as the HumaGear had been one who could videotape events.
 With all of the Magias defeated it was time to watch the video of what happened on the day that Daybreak Town was destroyed and was Go's father a part of it? To Go's delight that wasn't the case as his father had ended up being the person responsible for destroying the hundreds of Magias. He knew then the Earth would be run over by these creatures and to save humanity had locked them into the city. The father had no chance to save his own life and had been sent a warning from the evil group
MetsubouJinrai.net that is was launching a bomb to level Daybreak Town.
 Go's father could do one of two things, attempt to flee or lock the city to prevent the Magias from escaping, as a hero he chose the latter and possibly saved millions of lives. Go was beside himself with joy and when the video was aired on TV his 'friends' at school knew how wrong they had been to pick on the poor boy, with that happy ending episode four comes to it's close.

 What 'The Ark' is has remained a mystery and still is after six shows. Think it may be some sort of powerful machine which can turn thousands of HumaGears instantly into evil Magisa but for now that's just a guess. So much for that new style that was done in the previous recap, too much took place to get into other details of this series. but then again was going to talk a bit about Daybreak Town which was the main theme of this shwo but think we'll be hearing more about it in future episodes. Halfway through this min marathon as there's two more recaps following this post.

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