Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
Welcome to my humble site....
Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
Was going to make the below post the final one for April but thought another could be squeezed in and it's for a mega fave who deserves so many more. Hinako just may be my #1 all time Nogi member and to me she's the most under the radar hottest Idol ever, I've been so smitten by her for so long. She's had a good amount of posts over the years, 116 to date and sixteen is an okay number of solo ones. But noticed since her 24th birthday last July she's only been in one group post and her only solo one was last month. So she definitely needs more posts and how I wish she had triple the amount she has but sadly there hasn't been much I can do about that.
I truly wouldn't be surprised if Hinako is the next long time Nogi member to announce their graduation. It was kind of a shock she wasn't chosen to be a Senbatsu member for the group's next single coming out in June. It had to disappoint her and also many of her fans but is not being chosen that bad? Was thinking that perhaps it's not and some members get more exposure by not being a Senbatsu gal.
When you think about it the hit song is about 4 1/2 minutes in length or 270 seconds. So when there's twenty members in the PV you can easily figure out that so many won't get a lot of screen time. Hinako has been the center of two Undergirl songs, those don't feature as many members so she may get four times as much exposure on those kinds of videos. I think many other second generation members may have realized the same thing which is why they've stayed with Nogi so long, when a group has 50+ members it's hard for all to get as many opportunities.
Hinako seems to be to be a very intelligent woman so bet she's thought things over and it probably wouldn't be wise to leave Nogi for a while though still wouldn't be shocked by a graduation this year. Have a lot of pics for today even though her last post was just five weeks ago. There's twenty new pics from April plus 26 oldies that had never been posted along with a few others you may have seen from almost two years ago. So even though there wasn't a huge amount of new pics no fave deserved a post more than she did and where does Hinako get that stamina.... but the second one leaves me gasping....
Was going to have a Second Generation post this week but that didn't work out so well as most of the new pics were from one member so will have a solo post for her next month. On to some of those older pics that had never been posted which are from Nogi's 'Always With You' card collection, have used up my supply of Hinako 'NogiKoi' ones. Those top three are from October and Mai's graduation, that next solo second generation post will be for Nogi's last remaining one with that name.
Another batch of never seen Nogi cards which are from their SSR+ collection.
Top five pics are from a 'All Night Nippon' radio show that aired four weeks ago and looks like Mai has moved into the second position for current Nogi faves. The other five pics are recent ones from Nogi's group blog but we may not be seeing many more of them.
Reason for less blog pics is that today Hinako opened an Instagram page so going to presume that's where she'll be posting her pics. Hopefully she keeps it updated as she wasn't doing so on her blog page and these are the first pics she uploaded today.
Hinako does get a good amount of solo mag spreads, easily the most of any Undergirl. This set is from the May issue of EX-Taishu.
We probably won't see a second Hinako photobook but who wouldn't want one?! Know I would and could use a few more alluring pics though there's certainly nothing wrong with her more conservative ones. When that PB first came out in December 2018 it sold around 56,000 copies in it's first few months. But it's sold okay since then as the total amount of books published has now risen to 72,000. Not a solo set here which is from the June edition of Entame but mainly just included her solo pics and will have Ranze's pics in the next 2G post.
Will end off with this fine batch of pics from the September 28, 2019 'Girls Award' Autumn/Winter show. It was held at the Mukahari Messe Hall in Chiba, she took a stroll on the GRL stage and because of the health crisis it's been the last 'Girls Award' show held. After the pics have a short segment from a 'Nogi Under Construction' show that aired two weeks ago. It's subbed and Hinako is quite a gamer and devoted her 'Nogi 46 hours live TV' episode that aired last June to the art of game playing.