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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Risa Watanabe: Her semi.... 'Happy 26th Birthday' post....


 Did say yesterday that this would probably be the final post for July but obviously that's not the case. Wasn't much else happening today plus waiting two more days wouldn't result in any new photos so why not have this now? Hated to do it but did put SEMI in the post title as while any post or birthday for Risa 😍 is always a monumental event(to me!). 2024 has been her quietest year ever and there's really so few recent pics of her. However her posts have always been sporadic as far as how many views they've received, many have been extremely popular with well over 1,500 views! But on the other hand many most posts have taken the opposite route and have drawn less than half that amount of views. So while there aren't many new things for today perhaps the majority of older photos have never been seen before by viewers and they are terrific examples of why she's my #1 woman 😍 of all time!!!!

 Sure most will think that photo right above is superb though probably not overly so but to me that pic could be in my top ten of all time as it does signify something special to me. Risa's first photobook was released on April 10, 2019 and what a book that was! But with two weeks to go before the book's release there had been zero promo pics that were gravure ones. I was slightly disappointed thinking the book may have none which is rare for an Idol but even her non-gravure photos are perfect to me!!!! However about ten days before the book came out that above pic was released to tempt her fans and was Risa's first ever gravure one so what a fantastic surprise that was for me so that's why it's always been special to me and have led off so many of her posts with that photo. That is one ultra sweltering swimsuit as below is another pic of her wearing it, the other pic from the photobook is pretty darn alluring too....

 At this point really not sure what is going on with this year's faves list. Will do some sort of post in about three weeks to talk about it but there will be a huge drop for the amount women who become eligible and it's quite easy as just six posts are needed. Some faves have had decent years to date though all in all not at the level they've had in prior years and of course that includes Risa. This makes it eight consecutive months with a post and wonder how have I done that with her not being all that busy? She would make the list and it will be her seventh straight year, though my #1 woman of all time she's never been number one for a year but was second in 2019.

 Risa had her first regular role in a drama which was "Black Familia" that ended on December 8th. That may have been my top drama for last year and she did a decent job playing the character of a reporter named Sana and it was a large role. The filming for that show probably ended in mid-November and since then she's done practically zero! Except of her Non-no modeling and the occasional appearance at those huge fashion shows Risa hasn't done any other activities in over eight months... no mag spreads, other kinds of modeling pics, no events, videos or other TV appearances! So I'm wondering what is going on with Risa and actually not just her as the last 3-4 months have been the slowest stretch ever here for posts featuring ex-Idols.

 Despite all those grumblings from me she's still my all time number one woman 😍, it's been that way for over three years and will anyone ever take her crown away? To that I have no answer and if someone does take over that throne it wouldn't be for a while. Here's a small batch of new pics which are from her IG page and not many from the past month. It could be because Risa does have a fan site and posts many of her photos there which is becoming much more common these days, tomorrow she will have a live stream with her fan club members to celebrate birthday #26.

 That bottom pic above is a newish one at her site. Have some older photos here which have been in previous birthday posts but did manage to find two new ones that hadn't been posted.

 Least Risa still attends all of those huge fashion shows though none are ever held in the Summer. The next one will be the Autumn 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show that will take place on September 7th. Fairly confident she will be in attendance and hoping that will finally be the start of a semi-busy period. The set of stupendous pics below are from the 2019 Autumn TGC show, I liked that sultry look which was very different for her and wouldn't mind seeing more of that look.

 For ex-Idols will usually post their old group cards for the month we're in. However Keya never had monthly cards but ones for the seasons so below are many Summer ones for 2019/17, so many bet that some had never been seen here before.

 Risa has now been a model for the Non-no magazine for over seven years. She's still very busy with them but don't have any new mag spreads from Non-no today. However have many new modeling pics from their site and you will notice most are of her wearing sunglasses which is because there was a special section at the site for those and most other gals modeled them also.

 There have been some other new modeling pics the past two weeks but am holding on to those for her next post. No new mag spreads once again for today and outside of Non-no there hasn't been since December. So here's an extremely old yet fabulous spread that's from the October 2016 issue of Entame. It's so old forget if it's ever been posted and would think so but not positive, of course Risa has changed so much in eight years.

 How about a newer spread so ou can see how much Risa changed in about six years. She was the cover girl for the May 2, 2022 issue of WPB that featured outtake pics from her second photobook and think this was her last ever spread to date for the magazine.

 Have often said that Risa may be the most attractive woman I post about and my opinion hasn't changed on that at all over the years. Though it's a bit odd how she wouldn't be #1 in any category as I know some have prettier faces, better figures, etc. but when you put all of the pieces together she's close to being perfect in my eyes!!!! 😍 Will end off with a huge batch of some of my favorite and alluring photos, most fans have seen them but hopefully they can garner hew some new ones and they also are prime examples of why she's my all time woman!!!! 😍 It's not the best of videos but could have been and seeing how it was never posted before it's after the ultra perfect pics. The video is a short promo for her graduation photobook that came out in May 2022, Risa is only in the second half of the one minute video but looks so darn seductive which is why it could have been her best ever! It would never happen in a billion years but I would give anything to see her do a gravure or photo shoot video.... perhaps for her never to happen third photobook!?

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