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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Neru Nagahama: Another in the never ending.... 'Hope you remember who she is' series....


 Am fairly positive many older Keya fans do remember though this is just her fourth post since graduating.... five years ago! Back then Neru was such a massive fave of mine and if things had worked out differently wonder if she's someone who could have been in my top ten of all time.... perhaps even top five? That we will never know and though I have said a few times these posts would be coming on a more consistent basis it's been impossible but do hope to have another in seven weeks. You will see a few other older scantly clad photos at the top of this post but the one right below has always been my #1 of her and one of my top pics of all time!!!!

 It's now been exactly five years since Neru graduated from Keya though think she had stopped her activities two months prior. She has been busy since leaving and at the time was very popular though I think it may have worked out better for all had she stayed with the group another two years or so. The last two years Neru has appeared in many dramas and though I think she's a decent actress haven't seen any of those series as most hadn't appealed to me. But will also admit she slips my mind too often but vow not to have that happen again. On September 4th which is in about seven weeks Neru will be celebrating her 26th birthday, she's 159 cm in height but to me has always looked shorter. So though this is a large post want to have another right after that date so didn't make this as large as it could have been but bet there's 80+ photos. There's a lot of Neru activities from the past year or so that haven't been posted, will have some for today and also for that birthday post, am hoping there will be some new things between now and then.

 What a shame she only had one photobook for it's in my top twenty of all time which is impressive considering how many hundreds I've posted. Besides acting Neru has also been busy as a variety show host and has even had a few popular radio shows. This is one of my patented 'spur of the moment posts', did have some things saved up but had no intentions of doing this today. So will have more info and as mentioned more pics from the last year or so in that next post. First up are some recent photos from  her IG page and Neru's never posted many of them, you will see an old Keya mate in the bottom two(Aoi) and last week they were promoting an Idol Fes scheduled for next month.

 Neru is now a model for the Frau magazine, some of those pics will be in her next post. But do have some new modeling pics from the Bis magazine site, she's been with them for over four years but the modeling pics from them are so sporadic and as you can see in the top pic she still looks so ultra alluring!!!!

 How about an older Bis mag spread and what a terrific set it is from their May 2023 issue, her spreads also are very inconsistent for the magazine.

 For ex-Idols try to have older group cards for the Season we're currently in, of course now it's Summer. Which works out perfectly for this large set which came out in July 2019 and were the final Keya cards for Neru. Even though they're five years old they had never been posted here before, these are some sharp looking cards and especially the last four. These days Keya and Hina rarely have these kinds of cards which does make it more difficult to have posts for the members. There's been zero this month for current members but hope to have one for my current fave Keya gal next week.

 Not that we were speaking of ex-Keya members but what a shame there weren't more pics with this pair. Of course I'm referring to Yui 😍 and am still at a loss on what has happened to her.... has she possibly retired though still young and popular? Seems it could be that way and may end off July with a post for her and also could have one next month as at the end of August the DVD for her graduation concert will be released.

 Neru was the second Keya member to have a photobook and to call it a success would be such an understatement!!!! Within a year it had sold over 200,000 copies which is the best selling Idol book in history outside of a few for Nogi. It's a shame there hasn't been a second book and bet it's because she hasn't wanted to do it. On the final day of 2017 posted the pics from the book and to say that's been a success here would also be an understatement! To date it has 27,500 views which makes it close to being the all time most popular post here so if you haven't seen it yet you need to do so and it's easy to locate it as it was the last post done for 2017. There were a few mag spreads to promote it, here's one from the December 29, 2017 issue of Friday.

 The posts for her are still popular here but sadly there haven't been enough since her Keya graduation but do vow to work harder on them. Here's a missed spread that's exactly three years old and from the August 2021 issue of Mini, there hasn't been as many mag spreads as you would think over the last four years.

 Will end off with a brand new magazine spread and Neru is the cover girl for the August 1st issue of Young Jump, it'd be nice if there was at least one more new one for her birthday post. Four of the pics are from the photo shoot, while there's no video for this spread there is a newish one from the Bis magazine and that video is after the pics.

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