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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Yume Hayashi: An amazing post of arousing happenings....


 From May 2023 until February of this year there had been zero posts for Yume and know that she was missed by you viewers. But this now makes it three posts in five months for her and that must bring a smile to so many of those reading this. For though Yume has had only 21 posts in 5+ years she is so immensely popular, every post for her has drawn such a high amount of views so wish there could be more of them. But don't think that will ever happen but three in five months is a good pace to me and hope that can continue.

 For over six years Yume has also been an OL and she began gravure modeling while still keeping that job. She must be doing well as that's her #1 priority over gravure modeling and that is a wise decision as few gravure models work past the age of thirty while working in an office could continue for the rest of her working life. Yume hasn't hit the age of thirty yet but in less than three months will be celebrating her 29th birthday and I think she looks better than ever. Though it doesn't appear she's been that busy as of late do have over seventy photos for today with almost all of them new for here.

 The posts for Yume tend to be sporadic as she probably can only do photo shoots on the weekend or when she has time off from work. None of the mag spreads for today are brand new but are somewhat recent and didn't want to see them become dated, it is about time for more new mag spreads and also hopefully some digital books. First off are these pics from her IG page and only two are from photo shoots, my faves are the second and third ones.

 Yume hails from Hokkaido and didn't move to Tokyo FT until 2017, first she got a position as an OL and then began her modeling career. A bit late too as though 22 isn't an old age it's when she did her first gravure photo shoots and most models start two years before that age. Let's move on to some magazine spreads and also have one other special set of pics for today. This first one is from the April issue of Brody and have never seen her in that magazine before. It was a special Keya issue and I need to start posting more about them so will have many pics from this issue in a future(August) post.

 That above pic is from the photo shoot and second up for mag spreads is this set from the February13th edition of Flash. Don't think it was posted and even if it was the pics are so terrific why not have it again?

 Yume's last post was for a Friday digital book, there was a mag spread to promote it which was for the magazine's December 29th issue but I was late posting the book. Also will have an encore version of this spread and will explain why it had to be posted again.

 This set from the April 19th issue of Friday is brand new for here though in a way think it was a continuation of the above spread, pics were probably definitely from the same photo shoot.

 In May the Friday magazine released this special batch of Yume pics at their site which were outtake ones from the above two photo shoots and it's why I wanted to have that December spread.

 For the finale may have the top set of pics that are from the May 21st issue of SPA!, no brand new spreads for today though a trio of them were new for here. Yume has her own YT Vlog and uploaded such a sweltering video from the photo shoot which is after he spread. Yume has many super duper videos at her Vlog so check a few out if you do view the below video.

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