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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Miku Tanaka: An ultra steamy post of this and that's....


 On the plus side have had at least one post such as this one for eight consecutive days and in all honesty they truly have been terrific! On the a slightly negative note only two days have had more than one post in this vein but hasn't been much I could do about that plus I have been a tad busier as of late with other things but will have at least one post like this one for the rest of the month. Well, hard to say like this one as how many women out there can compare to Miku.... a few but not many!!!! I have liked her for a while, say 2020, but had waited until she got older before posting about her. These days Miku has really zoomed up on my fave's list, I had said before and after that her HKT graduation that was the best move she could have ever made!

 Not X-Mas yet and won't be for quite a long time but who else would you want in your stocking(!).... but could her top half fit in?! Miku's first post was done in October 2022 which was a month after her 21st birthday, still have that rule about waiting until someone is 22 in age before introducing anyone. But on occasion have made an exception though it's been a while since it's happened and having her a bit early was one of my best ever decisions! This is Miku's 33rd post since then which is the most for any woman I post about and I wouldn't be shocked if she hit forty by the end of the year! That would mean another seven and have some news on why that may happen, will try doing a post next month on the status of this year's faves list and it wouldn't be a stretch saying #1 is within her reach....

 Just have forty new photos for today but that's plenty for a post and there is some news which I thought some fans would want to know of. First off are these recent IG pics though not nearly as many as usual but you will notice the bottom two aren't from her page. Miku is in a drama that began on July 8th titled "Otto no Latei wo Kowasu made" and that's a show I was interested in even before learning she would be in it. She doesn't have the lead role but the plot is so intriguing with a wife taking revenge on her cheating husband which has been done before but this story looks to be much more than that. Two episodes have aired and really hope it gets subbed as that would help in her quest to be #1 this year.

 Have three mag spreads for today, the other two are newer and will be at the bottom of the post. Was unsure if this was in her last post but have a strong feeling it wasn't and this mini set is from the June 26th issue of Friday.

 Before Miku left HKT had been saying that would be the best for her career as it was holding her back. Which has proven to be true as she's been in almost as many magazines, has had her first digital book and gravure videos plus has been in two dramas.... all in six months! What I'm looking forward to is possibly the top spread of the year as Miku will be the front and back cover girl for a special BLT edition called "Monster", these are some promo pics for it and has she hit a new level for hotness.... WOWOW!

 A wish of mine that I mentioned in a few posts is that September 12th would be the perfect date for her second photobook. That will be her 23rd birthday and Miku must read this blog often(!) as ten days ago she said her second book will be coming out then which is some fabulous news! That's why I think there will be many more posts over the next few months as there should be some mag spreads to promote it plus some interviews and an event. Already five pics have come out in advance and glad there's not more as my heart 😍 couldn't take it.... whew!!!!

 Will end off with a pair of new mag spreads, of course you know who is the cover girl for both and this first set is from the July 31st edition of Weekly Shonen.

 In 2022 Miku won a prestigious award for being the Idol to appear on the most magazine covers, last month she said how she would love to win another cover girl award this year. She's certainly on track to do so and has that honor for this final scorching set that's from the July 9th issue of Young Champion. There's been no decent videos for a while so will skip having any for today and do wish Miku would open her own YT channel and have some videos for her photo shoots.

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