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Friday, December 13, 2013

Maki Horikita: Miss Pilot drama episode 9 recap

Main Cast:

Maki Horikita as Haru Tezuka, pilot in training
Saki Aibu as Chisato Oda, pilot in training
Takumi Saito as Konosuke Kinukida, training instructor
Koichi Iwaki as Kazutoyo Shinozaki, pilot
Shotaro Mamiya as Taiji Kishii, pilot in training
Yu Konayagi as Sho Kotari, pilot in training
Nanami Sakuraba as Suzu Abeno, Taiji's girlfriend

 After a bit of a downer in episode 8 can Haru and her colleagues make a comeback with this show? Partially they did, still not enough time spent on training to fly 787 but least this episode they did some, only two more episodes to go for our trainees, is that enough time to learn to fly one?

 Episode 8 had zero of the trainees learning to be a pilot, no classroom or flight training. This episode had a bit, still not enough as this drama works so much better when they're in their training program versus dealing with issues outside of that. Haru and the others have now started to do simulator training flying a 787, no one has been perfect but everyone seems to be progressing at a good pace. Everyone that is except for Haru, her mind seems elsewhere and no one can figure out why. Haru has kept it a secret from all but at the beginning of the episode she's learned that her mother has cancer and of course she isn't doing well, at first it appeared the mother was going to die rather soon but by the end of the show seems to be living more of a normal life. Haru's father was going to close the restaurant but Haru when she wasn't training comes and helps her father out to keep the place open, doing that is destroying her.
 Haru is up between the training and working probably 20 hours a day, that's why she cannot concentrate well in the training, she gives it best but she just couldn't do both well, something is sure to happen, And that something was Haru passing out at the training center with exhaustion, she was sent to their infirmary for a while which is when the truth about her mother's illness and her working with her father comes out. But all eventually gets better as the trainees help out in the restaurant while Haru is laid up and shortly her mother is well enough to come back to work. However even after Haru has recovered she's still well behind the others as far as flying a 787 goes and the first simulator test is in two days, can she possibly pass?

 Of course Haru passed, don't know how well she did as there was no scene of her taking the test but we learn during the credits at the end she has passed stage one of the simulator training, now on to the next phase.
 Most of what happened occurred in the first 41 minutes, Haru passing the test and moving on happened in the next 4 minutes, wish they had spent more time showing her doing more training and taking her test. Least it was a better episode than the previous one but still wasn't quite up to par as the first few shows but once again the ending has given us hope that the next show will pick up the pace again. Just two more episodes to go, not sure how much more training or testing the trainees will go through but hope they don't rush through it too quickly but think they will. The series in the last two episodes needs to cover the time span of September to December so unless they're longer episodes it may be too much of a rush job, hoping it won't be as even though the last 2 shows have been less than stellar have really enjoyed this drama up until this point. As usual check out the next post for many screenshots of Maki from this episode.

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