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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Lee Yeon-Hee: "The Package" drama episode two recap

 Air Dates: October 13th to November 18, 2017 on JTBC. Airs Friday and Saturday
nights at 11:00 pm. Episode rating: 1.69%

Main Cast:

Lee Yeon-Hee as Yoon So-So
Jung Yong-Hwa as San Ma-Roo
Yoon Park as the Mysterious Man... will refer to him as MM as he has no name!

There are three main couples, just the bottom pair are married

Ha Shi-Eun as Han So-Ran
Choi Woo-Sik as Kim Gyung-Jae

Ryu Seung-Soo as Jung Yeon-Sung
Park Yoo-Na as Na Hyun

Jeong Gyu-Su as Oh Gab-Soo
Lee Ji-Hyun as Han Book-Ja

 Another unexpected enjoyable watch, think I'm going to like this series a bit better than the other one I'm recapping of Yeon-Hee's which is "Reunited Worlds". That's been a good show but has dragged at times a little bit, this drama just has twelve episodes so there shouldn't be too much filler. JTBC is a cable network so the ratings won't be too high, the other cable shows for Saturday night when this episode aired received somewhat similar numbers.

 See, this is an informative show and there's two new words for you or at least for me. The top screenshot is of Ma-Ru's ex-girlfriend Oh who broke up with him the day before the France trip, we'll learn a bit more of her as the recap goes on. That second screenshot is of Ra-Mu daydreaming which he does often, it's a good one though as who wouldn't want to see So-So dressed like that!!!!
 The pair have departed the adult shop and are strolling about Paris, they eventually wander down to the Seine river with So-So telling us that there were 37 bridges that crossed the river. Ma-Ru still cares about his girl back in Korea and it looks like he's starting to fall a bit for So-So but for now doesn't appear as though she has any interest in him.
 One character who I really like is So-Ran who is played by Ha Shi-Eun, she's a really cute gal. She's been going out with her boyfriend on the show for many years, she wants to start making marriage plans but he's more concerned about having a huge nest egg first. So-Ran seems like such a down to earth woman, though France is known for their wines she's mainly a beer drinker. She wants to have a few of them at the hotel's bar but her boyfriend Gyung-Jae says no because hotel bars are too expensive, then again how may millions of Won did it cost to travel to France?

 All is not well with Ma-Ru as his phone jars him awake at 2:00 am but it's 9:00 am in Seoul. It's his boss who can't believe that Ma-Ru has taken a vacation, they didn't do things like that in the old days. Ma-Ru's boss is still a bit peeved at him for another activity that had happened a while before and to wreck his vacation he demands that Ma-Ru submit a report by the end of the working day. That's less than ten hours away because of the time difference, Ma-Ru began the project but soon quit and went back to bed though before long he's back at his laptop working.
 The exact details weren't  explained but a few months earlier Ma-Ru had found some discrepancies with his company's books. He disclosed his findings to the staff and though he was right in what he had found it didn't go over so well with his colleagues, especially his girlfriend Oh. If she had been in the same situation she wouldn't have revealed the mistakes in the company's books, they had a long discussion about his actions and it was the main reason for Oh not going on the trip.
 It's 8:00 am and the group of seven are prepared to spend their first full day in Paris. So-So has the whole day planned out and they'll be hitting many landmarks that we as viewers have only heard about. Not a pleasant day for Ma-Ru as he has his laptop with him and he tries to do as much of the report as he can. Also not a pleasant time for So-So, she's been in contact with her boss in Seoul and he told her that MM(mysterious man) has found out where she is and is heading to France.

 We do see quite a bit more of MM in the second half of the show and there are many questions surrounding him which haven't been answered yet. What's his relationship with So-So, did they get married and if so why aren't they still together? In episode one he had been released from prison, why was he there plus as So-So says above what did she do to worry about being caught?
 There still are ten shows to go so lot of the info will be trickling out. MM has arrived in Paris, after just getting out of prison he somehow has a lot of money. He searches and searches but can't find the whereabouts of So-So yet but he is discovered by Ma-Ru. He was sitting in a cafe during a break from sightseeing, he overheard MM ask about So-So and knows he's on the hunt for her. MM asks Ma-Ru about her but he pretends he's a Japanese tourist and quickly leaves the cafe to warn So-So about the man prowling her.
 Ma-Ru eventually finds So-So riding on a carousel by herself, he doesn't explain what's going on but quickly whisks her away. They pretend to be lovers on a park bench, when So-So spots MM she knows why Ma-Ru is acting like her lover and joins in the deception. It worked as MM doesn't spot the pair and leaves the area, So-So for now can't explain to Ma-Ru why she's being hunted.

 But now it's back to the tourist group and So-So had many more activities lined up for them. In that bottom screenshot you can see MM tailing her and the group, it won't be long before he nabs her. She keeps pushing the group to go faster as they're seeing the sights at a frantic pace. So-So can't tell them what's going on but luckily Ma-Ru sticks up for her inane actions a few times.
 The tourists have been going around on a bus, So-So feels if they can beat MM to it then they can flee in it and he'll be out of the picture. But it's not easy for the seven to keep pace with So-So, two of them are close to sixty while the others aren't in great shape. However they barely get to the bus before MM does and So-So quickly ushers them all on. All except though for Ma-Ru who for some reason couldn't keep up with the others.
 He spots MM and there is a slight chance he can catch the bus before it departs. Just as MM is about to pass Ma-Ru he sticks his leg out and trips MM, that gave the bus enough time to leave. But then it  occurred to Ma-Ru that he should be on the bus as it pulled away, now he's stuck with no clue of where he is and an irate MM may take revenge on him.

 Yes, Ma-Ru has seen that bus before and it's the one he's supposed to be traveling on. So-So does have all of the tourists phone numbers so you would think she can call and arrange for him to picked up somewhere. That bus scene was the final one of the show, had skipped a bit forward but there were a few other minor events that happened prior to that.
 All were minor but they did add to the enjoyment of the show. We got to know some of the characters a bit better, seems this is the older couple's first trip outside of Korea. Book-Ja is finally standing up to her husband who constantly complains about everything and he meekly backs down. She has some secret of her own and it's a health issue but we don't know what it is yet.
 Meanwhile Yeon-Sung is always privately on his phone and we presume he's calling his wife or family back in Korea. Hyun is starting to get a tad irritated at this, we don't know her background but there is a huge age difference and why would they have to travel all the way to France to have an affair? Also the group has seen many historical landmarks and the France Tourism department must have been a sponsor of the show as we've learned much about the country's history.

 Glad I took a chance with this drama as through two episodes it's been a fun watch. Many questions still need to be answered but not nearly as many as the "Black" series and need to view that show's next two episodes. Unsure when the next pair of recaps will be, watching four dramas and then posting about them isn't an easy task. Don't know how some other reviewers can do it, actually some watch about ten shows at a time whcih must take up most of their day.
 But seeing as how this is an enjoyable series it won't be too long before the next pair, hopefully sometime next week as the third and fourth episodes just aired this weekend. Here are plenty more screenshots which really do fill in some of the minor details that may have been left out.

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