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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Lee Yeon-Hee: "Reunited Worlds" drama episodes thirteen and fourteen recaps

 Air Dates: July 19th to September 21st on SBS. Two episodes air at 10:00 pm 
Wednesdays and Thursdays
Ratings for the two episodes- 5.5% and 6.5%

Main Cast:

Lee Yeon-Hee as Jung Jung-Won.... 30 years old
Jung Chae-Young as Jung Jung-Won.... 18 years old
Yeo Jin-Goo as Sung Hae-Sung(18)
Ahn Jae-Hyeon as Cha Min-Joon(34)
Lee Si-Un as Shin Ho-Bang(30)
Park Jin-Joo as Hong Jin-Joo(30)
Kim Jin-Woo as Cha Tae-Hoon(30)
Yoon Sun Woo as Sung Young-Joon(29)
Kwak Dong Yun as Sung Hae-Chul(23)
Kim Ga-Eun as Sung Young-In(26)
Kim Hye-Jun as Sung Soo-Ji(18)
Ahn Kil-Kang as Ahn Tae-Bok(50)
Park Young-kyu as Cha Kwon-Pyo(55)

 Though not a record yet am coming close to one for recapping a Korean drama. These are only half hour shows so think when I get to the recaps for episodes 23 and 24 that'll edge out the "W" series which for some reason stopped recapping after eleven shows. This pair of episodes were a bit slow again but then it got me thinking perhaps that's the way it's supposed to be but there were quite a few interesting developments to the story.

 Bit of a cliffhanger finished off the previous episode, the chef/manager of the restaurant Jung-Won works at, Cha,  got run over by a car. She's brought him to the hospital and though it appeared he was hurt badly that wasn't the case, the following day he was allowed to leave and had only sprained his wrist. But bringing Cha to the hospital has made Jung-Won late to the fireworks show at the Han River, she was supposed to meet Hae-Sung at them.
 She eventually made it though the show was over by then but Hae-Sung had hung around waiting for her and the pair ended up having a very late picnic supper. Tae-Bok who we've met many times before is another person who for some reason has come back from the dead, he's about thirty years older than Hae-Sung. Tae-Bok has told him that he'll feel a pain in his heart when someone is around who had something to do with his death.
 There were two incidents like that in the episode eleven, one at a store and the other at the hospital where Hae-Sung's brother is a doctor at. First there was no success at finding the person at the store and the same thing happened at the hospital, that is until Hae-Sung was outside of it. In a parked car was his friend's Tae-Hoon's father, his car was responsible for running over Hae-Sung and killing him. However the father, Jang, had paid off his chauffeur to take the rap who ended up spending some time in jail.

 Hope this doesn't get confusing but there were many new things we learned about the father and the chef Cha. Jang's chauffeur had recently died and his widow plans to move to Australia, the pair meet for a final time. That's when we truly learned that Jang was behind the wheel of the car when it struck Hae-Sung, the widow had been paid off but she doesn't want any more money.
 Upon her return home she had a visitor who was Cha, the widow is his aunt who had raised him after his mother had passed away and his father had left him. Well, that wasn't too confusing and there will be more on the relationship between Cha and Jang coming up.
 Hae-Sung needs a job soon but with no ID has very little chance of getting one. Tae-Bok though has loads of money even though he hasn't been working. Before he died he had been a ginseng digger, just before his drowning in the Han river he had found the largest ginseng plant to date. He didn't have a chance to dig it up, to his surprise it was still there upon his return one hundred years later and he was able to sell it for a small fortune.

 Tae-Bok didn't have much use for the fortune, he wanted to give much of it to Hae-Sung who for now refused it. But they did use to pay off Jung-Won's debt to the loan sharks who we hadn't seen in many episodes, above is her celebrating her 'freedom'. Also to celebrate her being debt free
Jung-Won wants to treat Hae-Sung to a movie. The pair go to a theater and what she wants to see is R rated. With no ID Hae-Sung looks too young to go on and he's refused at the entrance.
 Perhaps mind wise Hae-Sung is a bit older but he still has the face and body of an eighteen year old. So the two head back to Jung-Won's apartment to watch a film on TV, even though she's lived in poverty for so many years she seems to have a nice place with every modern convenience. The pair though is interrupted during the film as their old mates arrive to party it up. The two hide away but the group stays and has the party on Jung-Won's balcony.
 They're eventually caught as they thought the group left and went outside, Hae-Sung ended up going out with them and it was a scene that was somewhat long yet didn't do anything for the story. The following day Hae-Sung visits his two sisters who are still living together, he wants to have a family dinner and has made reservations for five at a posh restaurant. Young-In is the oldest at 26, she works at a department store while Soo-Ji is eighteen and a senior in high school.

 The dinner plans aren't going as well as Hae-Sung would like. His sisters don't want to go because Hae-Chul may be there and they haven't see him in over four years. What led to the estrangement was that Hae-Chul had stolen a precious golden necklace from Young-In and sold it. He never apologized nor did he give her any money, to her she's no longer a brother.
 Not sure what the relationship of all five siblings are, we have known that Young-In was adopted and the necklace was from her deceased mother. What's unknown is if the other four were also adopted, very little has been told of the family's history but there are 26 episodes left. Hae-Sung confronted Hae-Chul about the necklace, he didn't explain why he stole it but won't apologize nor will he be attending the family dinner.
 We already knew that Young-Joon wouldn't be there, he wants no contact with any of his siblings. So it's just Hae-Sung and his two sisters who arrive at the restaurant but it's not a trio for long. Shortly after they take a seat at an elegant table Hae-Chul makes an entrance. with that occurring Young-In and Soo-Ji are prepared to depart.

 Kim Ga-Eun plays Young-In and she is really one cute gal but not that young as she's 28 now. She has appeared in so many dramas over the years but never with a lead role, will try to see if I can't find some things to post about her. Back to the story and the stolen necklace incident gets cleared up rather quickly. When Hae-Chul stole it four years ago it when his daughter was born, the mother had died and he needed money to support his daughter.
 Hae-Chul has never forgotten what a dastardly act he did, since then he's tried every day to put a little bit of money aside for Young-In in a bank account. At the dinner he gives her the bank book and though he didn't make a huge amount of money each day after four years the total was quite high. It was also a birthday present as Young-In had turned a day older, she and her sister had forgotten all about it.
 Getting close to the end, total length of these two shows was about 63 minutes. It's back to the SNT restaurant where Tae-Hoon and his parents arrived to have an anniversary party. A very interesting development happens and it's what I was talking about earlier about Tae-Hoon's father Jang. This is his second marriage, Tae-Hoon is his real son but he had another in his previous marriage and guess who it was?

 If your answer was the restaurant's chef and manager Cha then you are correct, he and Tae-Hoon are half brothers but only met briefly when Tae-Hoon was two, Cha's older by four years. Jang has ordered Cha to keep it a secret, that's something he's been able to do his entire life and he really is disgusted by the sight of his father who left him at an early age.
 But now there is one more who knows the secret the two share and that's Jung-Won who overheard their conversation. Needless to say it blew her away, shortly after that conversation she asked Cha out for a drink. At the bar Jung-Won admitted she heard everything, Cha asked her to keep it a secret but she already knew that mums the word. The two of them seem to be getting closer, they even went to a gaming establishment after the bar where Cha tried to win her a doll but couldn't because of his hand.
 Meanwhile in the final scene Hae-Sung and Tae-Bok are riding on the bus having their own discussion. Hae-Sung admits he's having a hard time getting closer to Jung-Won because he doesn't know how much time he has left on Earth, no one coming back from the dead does. Hae-Sung had been glancing out the bus window while talking, when he turned towards Tae-Bok be was stunned to see that he was no longer there! It appears as though after a year his time back from the dead was up and has now disappeared, for good we don't know yet. Perhaps you come back to life when there's something you didn't finish when you were alive, for instance it was for Tae-Bok and his son, perhaps that's the case with Hae-Sung and Jung-Won.

 Though the show is a bit slow at times there are so many new things added to the plot each episode, soon we're going to have to get some answers or actions. Seems as though I've been watching this drama for a while but there's 26 episodes to go, did make a promise to myself that I would finish recapping a Korean series for a change. So far would recommend this show but will admit there are better ones but most are older dramas, not sure how many really superb shows there are from 2017.  Not sure when the next recaps will be, keep saying four days in these posts but have been zooming through this so perhaps Friday as I'd like to get this done soon before the Autumn season begins. There is a show starting on October 14th which I'm really interested in which is "Black", really looks like a dark series and I prefer those kinds, also have never seen Go Ara in a drama.

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