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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Kasumi Arimura: 22nd 'Busan Film Festival' pics and a tad more....

 Yesterday had a post saying how much busier Korean actresses are than their Japanese counterparts. For the most part that's true but the one woman who is the busiest between either country would have to be Kasumi and you could say that about her for the last five years. She's really come such a long way since first appearing in 'SPEC' back in 2010 and Kasumi now is one of the more popular women in Japan. This year has been so busy that would expect her to take a break very soon, no more dramas or films are scheduled for 2017.

 Those above are brand new pics from the Wicca site and as you can tell they're a watch company. There should be more new pics from them soon as Kasumi has a CM for coming out on November 11th, the site does have all of her older ones. Four pics here are from their Spring/Summer collection.

 Kasumi's fourth film of the year "Narratage" had it's premiere on October 7th, in it's first two days out it finished in the second spot for tickets sold. In order to help the film hit the top spot on the 9th Kasumi traveled to Nagoya to promote the movie and the event took place at Midland Square.

 No rest for the weary as Kasumi headed to Korea on October 12th for the 22nd 'Busan Film Festival' which has really grown over the years and 300 movies will be shown at this year's event. Top pics are from the festival's opening ceremony with the rest being from yesterday where they had a screening of the "Narratage" film. At the event Kasumi also won a special 'Asian Star Award' and she's won quite a few awards these last few years. Sadly there's been no good videos of her last three events but here's plenty of fine looking ones from the festival.

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