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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Lee Yeon-Hee: "Reunited Worlds" drama episodes fifteen and sixteen recaps

 Air Dates: July 19th to September 21st on SBS. Two episodes air at 10:00 pm 
Wednesdays and Thursdays
Ratings for the two episodes- 6.2% and 7.0%

Main Cast:

Lee Yeon-Hee as Jung Jung-Won.... 30 years old
Jung Chae-Young as Jung Jung-Won.... 18 years old
Yeo Jin-Goo as Sung Hae-Sung(18)
Ahn Jae-Hyeon as Cha Min-Joon(34)
Lee Si-Un as Shin Ho-Bang(30)
Park Jin-Joo as Hong Jin-Joo(30)
Kim Jin-Woo as Cha Tae-Hoon(30)
Yoon Sun Woo as Sung Young-Joon(29)
Kwak Dong Yun as Sung Hae-Chul(23)
Kim Ga-Eun as Sung Young-In(26)
Kim Hye-Jun as Sung Soo-Ji(18)
Ahn Kil-Kang as Ahn Tae-Bok(50)
Park Young-kyu as Cha Kwon-Pyo(55)

 Just began on the "While You Were Sleeping" drama and what a difference there is between the two shows. The former is such a fast paced, intense series through four episodes while this one is quite slow though does have it's moments of intesity. Both are very different yet each drama has it's good qualities, main one for this show is Yeon-Hee.

 The reason for Hae-Sung's tears was that his older friend Tae-Bok is now gone. He had come back from the dead a year ago, when you return you'll eventually go back to being dead but there's no exact time span of how long you'll be on Earth, could be a month or possibly years. At the end of the previous episode it was Tae-Bok's turn to go back, as the pair were riding on a bus he instantly disappeared and looks like we may never see him again.
 Also from above is Hae-Sung with his old buddy Shin who is now an officer with the Mapo police department. Shin transferred to that unit to work on the murder case from twelve years ago, the incident where Hae-Sung had been the main murder suspect and also when he was killed by getting hit by a car. Hae-Sung thinks the two events may be related as he and the alleged driver of the car were both falsely accused, perhaps to cover up the killing?
 Shin even visits the owner of the car that had run over Hae-Sung, the owner was the two guys good pal Tae-Hoon's father Kwon-Pyo. Shin has revealed to him a few details regarding the case but not too many as of yet, Kwon-Pyo isn't a suspect at present though us viewers know he could have been the one driving the car that killed Hae-Sung.

 Kwon-Pyo is really not a good character and all dramas have to have an evil person like he is. He's also the father of Cha who all know by now but he's kept it a secret from everyone for three decades, only Jung-Won knows about their relationship after overhearing a conversation between the two. His wife doesn't seem like that nice of a person either though she wasn't involved in the hit and run at all. She's quite high class and is trying to arrange a marriage between Tae-Hoon and the daughter of her friend who is married to the CEO of Taeson Hospital.
 Even with parents like that Tae-Hoon seems like a nice guy and is VP of the huge department store his father owns but it appears to be more of a mall. He has his romantic sights set on Young-In who is Hae-Sung's younger sister, Tae-Hoon is three years older than she is. Sure his parents wouldn't approve of her as a daughter in law but Tae-Hoon has started to pursue her and the couple even have their first mini date. Not sure how popular she is in real life but Kim Ga-Eun who plays Young-In is one attractive woman, will try to dig some things up if possible to do a post for her.

 Not as much of Jung-Won these two episodes, guess that was done so we could see more of the other characters who will play a key part as the series goes on. The apartment next to her has been vacant for a while, now there's a new tenant and who should it be but Shin! Before he had transferred to Seoul he had been an officer in Chungho and had to commute the longish distance every day. Convenient events like him just moving next door to Jung-Won takes place all of the time in dramas.
 Shin won't be living by himself as he has Hae-Sung in tow, it's not strange to us but it must be to the characters in the drama which is why are two people who are thirty hanging around an eighteen year old? A prediction I made a few recaps ago came true for a change and that's of Hae-Sung working at the SNT restaurant where Jung-Won is employed. They're looking for a kitchen assistant and he needs a job but hasn't been able to attain one as he lacks an ID.
 An ID won't be needed at the restaurant as Hae-Sung knows the manager Cha well enough, if he can pass a test then he'll be hired. Besides his test there's also one for the kitchen staff as the restaurant wants to introduce two new meals to their menu, if your's is chosen it'd be a be a nice first step towards a promotion.

 Naturally Hae-Sung passed the test with flying colors but did better than just getting the job. His gnocchi dish was a huge hit with the staff and Hae-Sung's new creation will added to the menu with his name next to the dish as it's creator. Before he had died in the accident Hae-Sung's dream was to become a chef so though he's just eighteen physically he's prepared to move up quickly.
 But there's been something that's been nagging at Hae-Sung which is how much longer will be be alive if that's the word you use for his reincarnation. He could disappear tomorrow or even two years form now, no person returning to Earth is ever sure. Because of his situation Hae-Sung has been a bit cold towards Jung-Won recently, he doesn't want to get to close to her and then suddenly disappear.
 Just came to my mind but have probably brought it up before but why and how did Hae-Sung come back to life? He never asked Tae-Bok about it, he also had returned from the dead and said many others have too so wonder if that question will be answered in the remaining shows.

 That's Jung-Won in tears as she broke down one night after the restaurant had closed. She had overheard an old classmate tell someone else about Hae-Sung's death, to this day Jung-Won has blamed herself for it. All of the details for it are in the first two recaps but while she wasn't the reason for Hae-Sung's accident she did play a role in it with sending him to school for no good reason.
 When someone involved in Hae-Sung's death is near he can feel a pain in his heart, that's happened over five times already but he's been unable to see who the person was. Those pains have taken place twice at the restaurant, that's another reason for Hae-Sung wanting to work there as he feels that person may be a frequent visitor.
 That person is Gwon-Pyo who has only ate at the restaurant twice, just so happens Hae-Sung was there on both occasions. Gwon-Pyo doesn't like to visit there as that's where his secret son from his previous marriage works. However his wife likes the cuisine there so she sets up a third dinner there for the couple, she has no idea that Cha is her husband's son.
 It's the first day of Hae-Sung working at the restaurant, his first task is to bring the trash outside. He's carrying a huge pile of boxes, so huge he really can't see too well in front of him. As he's nearing the front door the pain in his heart returns and worse than ever. Unknown to him Gwon-Pyo is also approaching the front door, he wouldn't know who Hae-Sung is if he ever saw him. But he won't get that chance this episode as when the two are just a few feet apart the 16th show comes to it's conclusion, hopefully this matter will be resolved soon as it's been dragging on a while.

 Hoping that recap didn't put you to sleep, after doing so many in these last ten days my mind has become even more mushy than usual. It was a slow series coming into this pair of episodes but seemed even slower for these two, still a good watch but wish some of these mysteries would begin to get resolved.
 Seems as though I've been watching this for a long time but haven't even hit the halfway mark yet as there's a total of forty shows. Haven't read any other reviews for this drama so have no clue how things end up which is a plus as it keeps my interest level up there. Been doing a recap post every three of four days so odds are the next one will be this Thursday, Friday at the latest.

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