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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Lee Yeon-Hee: "Reunited Worlds" drama episodes seventeen and eighteen recaps

 Air Dates: July 19th to September 21st on SBS. Two episodes air at 10:00 pm 
Wednesdays and Thursdays
Ratings for the two episodes- 6.4% and 6.8%

Main Cast:

Lee Yeon-Hee as Jung Jung-Won.... 30 years old
Jung Chae-Young as Jung Jung-Won.... 18 years old
Yeo Jin-Goo as Sung Hae-Sung(18)
Ahn Jae-Hyeon as Cha Min-Joon(34)
Lee Si-Un as Shin Ho-Bang(30)
Park Jin-Joo as Hong Jin-Joo(30)
Kim Jin-Woo as Cha Tae-Hoon(30)
Yoon Sun Woo as Sung Young-Joon(29)
Kwak Dong Yun as Sung Hae-Chul(23)
Kim Ga-Eun as Sung Young-In(26)
Kim Hye-Jun as Sung Soo-Ji(18)
Ahn Kil-Kang as Ahn Tae-Bok(50) disappeared in episode 14
Park Young-Kyu as Cha Kwon-Pyo(55)

 Shame you can't put these recaps in order which would make the series easier to follow if you're brand new to it. What I'm planning on doing is re-posting all of the recaps, just unsure if to have a part one after the next post that will have the first twenty episodes or to wait until all of them are done. Guess any readers of this drama will find out soon enough.

 Previous episode ended on a mini cliffhanger but one that didn't get resolved. Hae-Sung is on his first day working at the SNT Italian restaurant, one of his first tasks was to bring the trash outdoors. As he was carrying a large pile of boxes they fell to the floor just before the front door. As Hae-Sung was bending down to pick them up Kwon-Pyo was about to enter and was at the main door. Since Hae-Sung has come back to the ranks of living he has a pain in his chest when someone who was involved with his death is around.
 It's not established 100% yet but it appears Kwon-Pyo was driving the car that ran over Hae-Sung, he had his chauffeur take the blame for it. However even though Kwon-Pyo was less than twenty feet away there was no pain in Hae-Sung's chest. That feeling is getting weaker and will eventually disappear but he was still close enough for Hae-Sung to feel something. Kwon-Pyo never did enter the restaurant as Cha who is his unknown son had stopped him before he could enter. Cha did all of the talking, he told his father to leave and never try to return again.
 Meanwhile Jung-Won is still down in the dumps. She had overheard an ex-classmate's conversation where she had mentioned that Jung-Won was to blame for Hae-Sung's death. Upon his return
Jung-Won had forgotten all about the accident twelve years ago, now she can't get it out if her mind. She's been avoiding Hae-Sung for a few days now which is tougher to do as they work together.

 Even talking with her best friend from the old days Jin-Joo hasn't raised her spirits but she'll eventually return to her happy go lucky ways. Above is the pair talking but at the time Jung-Won was supposed to be at a welcoming dinner for Hae-Sung but she just couldn't face him. It just wasn't her as no other employee attended the dinner as they had stopped beforehand at a karaoke bar and proceeded to get sloshed.
 That left just Hae-Sung and Cha who were the only ones to show up for the dinner. They didn't stay at the place long as they went out drinking which raises another question. Hae-Sung now can drink easily at restaurants or other establishments though he's just eighteen, can't understand how he's getting away with it. He didn't get drunk though Cha did and it seems he can't hold his soju so well.
 On the travel home Cha was weaving back and forth, he even bumped into a pair of ruffian dudes. Cha put up a strong front but the duo was about to pummel him into submission. Behind Cha though Hae-Sung used his strength and picked up a motorcycle with one hand, the pair of louts saw that and then set a record for the one hundred yard dash. We haven't been seeing Hae-Sung using his powers recently, actually not since his friend Tae-Bok returned to the dead.

 While the pair had been having their fill of soju Cha had confessed to Hae-Sung how in love he was with Jung-Won but he's been rejected twice. He seems to like everything about her, it kind of made Hae-Sung a bit uneasy but the situation cleared over quickly due to Cha getting drunk. Hae-Sung may have started to think of Jung-Won's future, Cha would be a nice catch for her and who knows how much time Hae-Sung has until he's whisked from the Earth.
 When Jung-Won gets too worried or tense she always gets sick. She had asked Jin-Joo to bring her medicine but she told Hae-Sung to deliver it so perhaps the two can get back to being very close. It may have worked as the two did start talking like they usually do and Hae-Sung asked her out on a special date. He had noticed a few pictures of Jung-Won at Cha's residence though they all had other restaurant employees in them. Hae-Sung wanted some pictures for himself and set up the date for the reason of taking pics.
 Hae-Sung had arranged for them to have a 'four seasons pictorial' of the pair. That meant they would be dressed like you would for all of the four seasons and they went around to various places taking those pictures. May be a good thing too for Jung-Won to have a few pictures to remember him by as he probably won't be around until the conclusion of the series. I have no clue how this drama ends, would think it'd have a fairy tale ending but won't find out what it is so as not to spoil it for me.

 After that picture taking day things seem to be back to normal for Hae-Sung and Jung-Won. We didn't see too much of Hae-Sung's family these two episodes, sometimes they're on the screen often and on other occasions very rarely. One member who we have been seeing more of is his oldest sister Young-In. She's been secretly dating Hae-Sung's friend Tae-Hoon which hasn't made his snobby mother happy as she wants him to date the daughter of a hospital CEO.
 That other woman is Seo-Won who we briefly saw at the beginning of the series. She also doesn't want to see Tae-Hoon as her sights are set on Hae-Sung's brother Young-Joon who is a doctor at the hospital her father runs. There's about five of these mini relationships that have started which haven't got past first base, Shin and Jin-Joo may also have something bubbling.
 Will do that post soon for Kim Ga-Eun who plays Young-In. She's quite an attractive gal in this show and has appeared in so many dramas over the years. Young-In and Tae-Hoon go out on another date and it appears as though the two may become a hotter item over his mother's objections.

 On to the final scene(s) which was actually quite long and it'll continue into the next show.
Hae-Sung's ability to sense when someone around has played a part in his death is diminishing, he needs to do something fast before it's completely gone. Him and his friends all hail from Chungho, that town is having a special celebration put on by the Chungho foundation.
 That foundation is led by Kwon-Pyo who will be attending a special reception for the festival. The party had no caters so Hae-Sung has set it up with Tae-Hoon that the SNT restaurant will do the catering. But only one assistant chef can attend, Jung-Won really wanted to work at the event but lost in a one legged duel with Hae-Sung with the winner working at the reception.
 Hae-Sung has only told his police officer friend Shin about the pain he feels in his chest, there's no way he would lose that comedic duel as he has to find the person responsible for his death. Shin now works for the homicide division and was supposed to be working on the case from twelve years ago but didn't see him doing much work on it in these two episodes. The celebration has started, even with hundreds of people around Hae-Sung still feels no pain in his chest.

 Hae-Sung is feeling no pain because on his way to the event Kwon-Pyo had received a call and had to travel to Singapore immediately. Looks like the best and perhaps final chance to catch the culprit has gone down the tubes but wait!!!! All of a sudden Hae-Sung feels a pain in his chest and starts to look for the source, it gets stronger when you get closer to the actual criminal.
 What doesn't make sense is how Hae-Sung is feeling any pain. Earlier he had been about twenty feet away from Kwon-Pyo and felt nothing, now he can feel pain from a hundred feet away with many walls in the way? Hae-Sung follows to where the pain is the strongest which leads him to a door. He slowly opens it and who should be there but Kwon-Pyo who we thought was traveling to Singapore.
 He was shocked to see the face of Hae-Sung who was also stunned to see the source of the pain was Tae-Hoon's father, Tae Hoon was also secretly tailing Hae-Sung. But how this works out is unknown for now as that's where the eighteenth episode ends and hopefully this will have a fitting conclusion to one of the mysteries.

 Said hopefully above as these cliffhangers never seem to have a fitting ending to them. Somehow an event happens which makes these mysteries drag on, this one with Hae-Sung's chest pain should have been cleared up by now.
 Next up for recaps will be the "While You Were Sleeping" series, will have the posts for episodes five through eight this weekend. Been having the recaps for this drama every 3-4 days, may do the next one a week from now as I'm falling behind on so many other things I want to view. The pace is still a bit slow in this show, they keep tempting us with these intense endings which rarely get concluded but so far am enjoying this drama and there's 22 more episodes to go.

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