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Monday, October 30, 2017

Lee Yeon-Hee: "The Package" drama episode four recap

 Air Dates: October 13th to November 18, 2017 on JTBC. Airs Friday and Saturday
nights at 11:00 pm. Episode rating: 1.66%

Main Cast:

Lee Yeon-Hee as Yoon So-So
Jung Yong-Hwa as San Ma-Roo
Yoon Park as the Mysterious Man... will refer to him as MM as he has no name!

There are three main couples, just the bottom pair are married

Ha Shi-Eun as Han So-Ran
Choi Woo-Sik as Kim Gyung-Jae

Ryu Seung-Soo as Jung Yeon-Sung
Park Yoo-Na as Na Hyun

Jeong Gyu-Su as Oh Gab-Soo
Lee Ji-Hyun as Han Book-Ja

 Of course the ratings for this drama will be lower as it airs on a cable network but the numbers seem to be lower than they deserve to be. Friday's shows have been higher, this episode aired on Saturday night at 11:00 pm and that's probably not a time when many people are viewing their televisions. I'm like millions of Koreans who may watch dramas like this at a later date so it doesn't get counted in the ratings which would be higher if there was a way to figure out the viewership.

 This was one fine episode and what an underrated series this is turning out to be. I'm not a fan at all of lighthearted shows and this one isn't at all though it has all the makings of one but it's more serious, not quite sure what genre it should be labeled as.
 We've been learning so much about the characters, this episode we may have discovered more about them than in any other show and mainly it was the relationship between So-So and MM. Mysterious Man still needs to go by initials as his name hasn't been revealed and wonder if it ever will. That's the pair together above and wish there was a whole episode devoted to the perfect Yeon-Hee at the beach.
 These flashbacks occurred in the beginning of the fourth episode and what we learned wasn't expected. Knew MM wasn't the person we've seen in So-So's marriage scenes so then was he an
ex-boyfriend? The answer to that is no but the pair are related as they're brother and sister(!) with
So-So being the older of the two. For years she's had to bail out MM who has constantly been in trouble but it seems, least to me, that he's really an okay guy.

 Much more on their relationship in a bit but let's pick up where episode three left off though above was the opening scene. So-So had been reminiscing about her marriage(?) at the famous church in Mont Saint-Michel. Ma-Ru had been silently watching her, when she arose from her dream state he went up to her with some sad news or at least the news is sad for him. Because of the incidents at work that were mentioned in the previous recap Ma-Ru has to fly back to Seoul or risk being fired.
 It's night when the pair meet up, the earliest Ma-Ru can leave is 1:00 pm the following day. If you've read any of these recaps you've seen the word flashback quite often, that's because all of the characters have many of them and bet a quarter of the show is of flashbacks. So-So had one at the church, it was of her some years before visiting fortune tellers.
 All of them predicted she would meet the man of her dreams at the Feet of Angels, that's a famous object at the church though it's off limits. Ma-Ru pointed it out to her when So-So brought it up, could he possibly be the man of her dreams? So-So surely hopes not, Ma-Ru seems like a fairly good person but is he truly the pervert So-So thinks he is?

 That's a nice pic of Mont Saint-Michel, 44 people actually live on that small isle and this whole episode takes place at the castle or near there. Before we go to the landmark scenes which take up the vast majority of the show let's get caught up on all the info we've learned about So-So and MM. As mentioned the pair are brother and sister with So-So being a few years older. She's helped him out of trouble many times over the years, because of that MM has become quite protective of his sister.
 Naturally it happened during another flashback as we learned the name of the man who may have been married to So-So or at least he went to France with her. His name is Bae Young-Goo who is an opera singer, hopefully we'll be learning more of the details as only a few were shown to us. The pair had moved to France in 2012, at the airport MM was seeing them off and had told Young-Goo he would kill him if he ever made So-So unhappy, he wasn't joking about the killing part.
 Flash forward a few years and MM is in the audience of an opera with his parents and girlfriend. On the stage appeared Young-Goo, MM had never heard a word of him returning to Korea. He jumped out of his seat and went on the stage, in front of hundreds of spectators MM pummeled Young-Goo into submission. For that act we now know why he had to serve time in jail, one other happening which is both good and bad we learned about MM. When So-So had left for France he had stolen their parents credit cards and some cash, he gave them to her which she ended up using but to this day her parents think she's the person who stole them.

 Think that covers all that we learned this episode for the backgrounds of So-So and MM, more will be revealed in the future. Such as why is she hiding from him, So-So seems so afraid of MM but have no clue why as he seems like a caring brother though he doesn't always come off that way. Back to So-So and Ma-Ru who are leaving the Mont Saint-Michel castle or guess it could be referred to as a fortress. May not be accurate all of the time with where they are, unsure if they actually did go into the castle but that's the impression they've given us but they did go to an historic house for sure.
 The bars shut down early in that area as they wanted to have a drink but the pubs were all closed.
So-So has connections everywhere in France which no doubt is because of her being a tour guide. She was able to purchase two bottles of wine from a restaurant, this was going to be Ma-Ru's last night in France so may as well wander the streets guzzling wine which is what they did.
 These two have become a bit close so quickly, the way they can talk with each other it appears they've been friends for years. Both discuss their lives without getting into too many specifics, perhaps because both have had their hearts broken it's easier to communicate with each other. Ma-Ru has so many daydreams, the one at the top he's had a few times with So-So being a dominatrix, hate to admit but he's not the only one....

 First two posts had pics of him daydreaming about the dominatrix scenes. Kind of feel sorry for the above gal who is  So-Ran, she had come on the trip with her long time boyfriend Gyung-Jae. He spends way too much time on his phone and seems to forget So-Ran is around. Gyung-Jae is a small businessman who had made a sizable investment before the trip, he keeps checking it's status as the news about whether it would be successful or not would be known any day.
 But So-Ran is getting quite irritated with him and it's easy to see why. She's having ideas about leaving him, she has a good job as a web designer back in Korea. At her job the big boss has his eyes set on her as he truly cares for So-Ran, she often daydreams about him. By the end of the episode the relationship is the same between the pair, if anything it may be worse as the investment may have crashed which would send Gyung-Jae into financial ruin.
 After visiting the sites in the Mont Saint-Michel area and there are many of them it's time for the group of seven tourists to finally visit the historic castle/fortress. The outside pics of the castle are all real but unsure if the interior scenes were actually shot there, have a feeling almost all weren't as it's been mentioned a few times in this show that the French are very protective of their history. But the upcoming scene at the historic house seems to have been filmed there.

 Have to admit I've been curious about some of the landmarks we've seen in these shows, have been checking many of them out and if this keeps up may start posting about French Idols soon. The castle looks close but guess it takes almost an hour to reach by foot from where the group was viewing it, sure no vehicles are allowed near the building.
 An episode lasts about 58 minutes, bet we're up to about the 25 minute mark by now and except for a few flashbacks the entire rest of the show takes place at the castle's outskirts or the house. Usually long scenes tend to drag but this one for the most part didn't, it was a bit funny and did laugh out on at least one occasion. The group visits a ceiling dungeon at the house of Bertrand du Geusclin and actually most of this long scene takes place there, bit jumbled up on my thinking. For those interested Bertrand du Geusclin was a 14th century French knight during the One Hundred Years War.
 During those times some important generals and other dignitaries when they went to battle would lock their wives up to prevent them from going off with other men. The women were also fitted with a chastity belt in case a man did get to her, those things are not a myth. More about them very soon but at this location we learn a bit more about another person in the group who is Yeon-Jung. He's about forty in age and may have a family at home though he's on the trip with Hyun who is presumed to be his mistress.

 Yeon-Jung is the head chief at Corporate Delivery, no need to say what they do. Ma-Ru recalled the company as they're the ones who shipped the boxes which are under suspicion to Africa, all the details are in the above post. Yeon-Jung raves about Ma-Ru and tells everyone what a rising star he is, Yeon-Jung on the trip keeps buttering the other tourists up. So now we've met all of the tourists except for his mistress Hyun, if she is that, we have no idea for now what their actual relationship is or anything about her past.
 This is starting to become longer than "War and Peace" so let me try to wrap it up somewhat quickly. The group leaves the Bertrand du Geusclin house except for Ma-Ru who is curious about something. He keeps denying that he's a pervert but his actions don't back up his words. He wondered what it'd be like to wear the chastity belt, needless to say he tried it on and it fit though a bit snuggly. Big mistake was made by him when he locked it, there's no key to to unlock it for him!!!!
 So-So wondered what was keeping Ma-Ru, she went back to see if he was still at the historic house. As you can see in the above screenshot Ma-Ru wasn't the first person to try on the belt, that must be one high level of humiliation. So-So to her disgust sees what Ma-Ru has gotten himself into, now the problem is how to get him out. She makes a call to the police, they arrive and and notify a locksmith but the only one is in Paris and it'll take him five hours to arrive.

 Yeon-Jung found out about Ma-Ru's predicament and told the others in the group about it. They all rushed back into Bertrand du Geusclin's house as Ma-Ru was about to become the laughingstock of the world. So-Ran had taken some pics and posted them on the internet, the whole world was having quite a laugh at his expense. Even back at Ma-Ru's office he was noticed by his fellow employees, there's no way Ma-Ru will be able to return to his job today and may not have a job to go back to.
 The locksmith finally arrived, it took him a long time to get the belt off as it was such an old lock but eventually he was successful. Ma-Ru calls Seoul to explain why he can't make it there on time, he talks with his girlfriend Oh who really lays into him as besides Ma-Ru the company has also become a joke as the world also knows now where he works.
 That brings us close to the end of the show, still can't believe how long this recap became. So-Ran and her boyfriend are growing even more apart, she's thinking about going back to Seoul too as she thinks maybe things can become serious with her boss. We didn't see MM hardly at all in the second half of the show hut he's still on the hunt for So-So, by the end of the show he's finally made the journey form Paris to Mont Saint-Michel.

 For as long as this was still think a few things were left out, will have them in the next recap as a few of the events weren't fully developed. Am one week behind this series as episodes five and six aired over the weekend. What I'm going to do is wait three weeks, the drama has twelve episodes so the show will be finished airing and then will do posts for all eight remaining episodes.
 Really want to start wrapping up a few dramas, for instance will spend more time on the "Reunited Worlds" series, have sixteen half hour shows left as I need to get in gear and finish that show. So soon you'll be seeing many posts for that drama which has been a enjoyable watch but think this one has been much better. Besides the recap being longer than usual also took so many more screenshots, if there's anything left out of the recap then they should make it easier to follow the story.

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